1977 CVM History
1977 Membership Card

1977 Rundown

1933 Ford Coupe, Bought From Don Cockburn

<div class=”maint”> After running the 30 Model A for 5 seasons I felt I needed to imporve my chances of winning. I sold my car to Stewart Pitchford and bought Don Cockburn’s immaculate Ford coupe. Ed Hennessey and dad came with me the day I picked up the car. Don would retire from racing but still help the club in many ways on the exec and with Harry Nicholsona and Don Ramage’s race teams.
Ed Brings Home Our New Car

At the Body Shop

<div class=”maint”> Don’s cars were always excellent in appearance and he was a very good driver. He was an easy going driver and did a lot for the club. We would soon paint the car our own colors.
Preparing for Paint

Preparing for Paint

Preparing for Paint

Paint Complete

Ready for the Car Show

Ready for the Car Show

Jack and Rick at Ford Grenadier Parts

Heading to Speed- O – Rama

<div class=”maint”> It always seems the weather is bad for car shows, but especially Speed-O-Rama because it was in January. This was my first in this show.
Speed- O – Rama

Display for Show

<div class=”maint”> We made up our display and wanted to make the car look good. A Lot of guys did some special treatment to their tries to make them shine, but we didn’t have any. Dad and I spent about 20 minutes on one tire trying to paint in between the treads. So I looked at him and said, “this is nuts”, then someone came by with a spray paint and we looked at each other and laughed. Dad said, “well it could have been worse, we could have been painting the tire treads with a small stick”. Armoural was to expensive and dealership products were not available for the public, not yet.
Show Girl with Show Car

A Big Plaque for Being in the Show

Motion Car Show Ad

Motion Car Show Ad

3rd Annual Motion Car Show A Huge Club Effort

<div class=”maint”> The club decided to give it a real try to compete in the Best Club Display. We were up against some of the best car clubs in Ontario, Corvette car clubs and Hot rod clubs. We had 8 cars in a display of a pit theme and it was very we done. We worked hard as a club to put together this display. I wished I had the pcitures of the other cars in the display. There was Stewart Pitchford #47, Dave McKee #37, Dave Mogford #39 and a coach that could have been Wayne Martin and of course my car. Our efforts paid off.
Milton’s Dave Mogford #39 Bought Bill Wakish Coupe

This Picture I Found In A Stranger’s House

<div class=”maint”> In 1977 I was working at Grenadier Ford as a salesman. Early one Saturday morning the receptionist got a call from a man who wanted to buy a new T-Bird. He said if we gave him a good deal his whole family would buy from us. Everyone laughed until he came in about 10am. I sold him a T-Bird, then his brother, later his brother in law and late afternoon I closed his dad. Four T-Birds in one day..are you kidding me!! After that I was lucky to sell 4 in a month. However this picture is sigificant to the final sale. I drove the 4th T-Bird out to Etobicke to the dad’s house. We went for drive and they invited me in for a coffee. I sat at their kitchen counter and while they were talking about buying another car, the excitement was high, they were pumped up and all 6 of them were talking at once, I noticed on their fridge this picture. If this was 2000, I may have thought they were stalking me, but I said “where did you get this picture”? They said from the car show. All excited, like Kramar off Seinfeld, I said “that’s me, that’s me!! “No way”!! they yelled, “hey Papa, come look”, the salesman is on our fridge..the dad ran out and realized they were talking about the picture and said “Hey, were family”!! I call Nonie from their house to give her an update because I called her after every sale and told her about the picture and she couldn’t believe the coincidence, she was exited. We went back to work and I couldn’t wait to tell my boss, and when I did, all he said was “the sale, the sale, did you get the sale”???..anyway that’s the story of this picture. By the way, I sold a pick up truck on the Thursday before and a loaded conversion van on the Friday. My pay for 2 weeks was $900 take home. It was great while it lasted, about an hour. Reality set in the next pay.
Hobby’s Make History At Motion Car Show

<div class=”maint”> We did it, we won the Best Club Display. We were so proud of our accomplishment and Bob Clint wrote this excellent article of praise for the OARC. Perhaps many of our modern members will not remember Bob Clint, other than from the annual Bob Clint Sportsman award that’s handed out each year. He loved the Hobby’s and donated a trophy that has been in the club since 1975. Thanks for that Bob, and again for this great write up.
Jack Greedy Forms Race Club

<div class=”maint”> This was the membership card from Jack Greedy’s organization. At the time this super star Super Modified driver ran Delaware Speedway. Notice the name similarity to CASCAR and OSCAAR, which both came later.
$8 Chev 3 Ton Maple Leaf

No more trailer in 1977. We bought this 1948 ramp truck in 77′. I started the season with a new car and tow vehicle. It was really a 2 seater but the 4 of us went to races every week in it. Ken Jorgenson and Brian Rashleigh each had this truck before me. I absolutely loved it and used it for many years.
48 Chev 3 Ton Maple Leaf

The Kids Loved The Truck Too

<div class=”maint”> Grenadier Ford was my sponsor in 77′. I ran a 240 Ford engine in the Coupe.
Better Equipment

<div class=”maint”> We had a new car and tow vehicle but the budget did not allow for spare tires. But if we got any we had a place to put them.
First Class

<div class=”maint”> Harry set the standard in a few areas of racing. Especially in equipment, he always had the very best of everything. The only place I may have been different is that I wouldn’t miss a race for any reason and Harry wouldn’t go unless everthing was perfect, and usually it was. He ran with the best, usually up front and was very consistant.
Cayuga Classic Weekend May 24

Cayuga Classic Weekend May 24

Cayuga Classic Weekend May 24

<div class=”maint”> Top runner and one of my favourite competitors of all time.
Cayuga Classic Weekend May 24

<div class=”maint”> Lee Jerome was a very strong runner after his first few years. He would dominate along with Dave McKee, Brian Atkinson, Harry Nicholson, the Rashleighs and many others. Ray struggled at times in 77′, I struggled most of the time but the competition was extremely tough…you can see some people in their truck. Guaranteed there were 14 more in the back of the truck including future champion Ron.
Cayuga Classic Weekend May 24

<div class=”maint”> Lee Jerome was a very strong runner after his first few years. He would dominate along with Dave McKee, Brian Atkinson, Harry Nicholson, the Rashleighs and many others. Ray struggled at times in 77′, I struggled most of the time but the competition was extremely tough…you can see some people in their truck. Guaranteed there were 14 more in the back of the truck including future champion Ron.
Stewart Pitchford My Friend and Team Car

<div class=”maint”> Stewart and I went to school together and became good friends. He bought my first Hobby car when I bought Don Cockburns. He was a mechanic at Grenadier Ford and we both got the sponsorship in 77′. It was a tough year for him overall. Stewart and I use to play board hockey and we wore out 5 or 6 hockey games from 1963 to 65. He is very active even today playing hockey. In 1963 I started playing the guitar and Stew bought a set of drums to play with us. We did a lot of things together in our teens and later in life. He was always generous and helped me many times. Stew wrecked very bad in the feature on this inaugural Cayuga Classic week end. He slammed the back chute wall coming off turn 2 and the hit hard enough to all most roll over.
Gord Hasselfeldt

<div class=”maint”> You’d have to be a terrorist for Gord to say anything bad about you. He found the good in peolpe and let them know. He would have adopted the ugly duckling, gave clothes to the town hobo and hugged the heart broken. He worked hard for the club in many ways, helped organize the club picnics in Milton, hockey games and sponsors for the club. Gord won the Bob Clint Award in 1976 and always encouraged me every chance he got. His personality covered the gammit of what nice people are all about. He actually helped me like Milton!! We miss you Gordie.
Dave Mogford and Larry Anthony

<div class=”maint”> I raced with both these great guys. The Cayuga week end had 7 divisions. The Mini Stox ran on the small track right at the start finsih line. I spent 3 years chasing Larry because there’s no way he would have spent much more than a lap or so chasing me. I started racing with the Mini’s in 1969 (check out the Mini Stock History) and Larry was the Ray Hughes of that class. I ran a VW, but against a Mini Cooper I might as well have had a Loblaws cart. He was called the Mayor of Fisherville. He was hard to beat until other Mini drivers came out like Bill Daniels and Chris Bunting, even then he took more than his share of checkered flags….Dave Mogford was a Milton boy who ran very clean and hard. He was a lot of fun and always had a good looking race car.
If We Only Ran As Good As We Looked

<div class=”maint”> We enjoyed our ramp truck for many years but especially the first year because it was a novelty. There are so many stories to tell about me, my family, friends and that truck, and over the next few years you’ll read them. But this story is a quick one. Nonie and the kids and I were coming along highway 5 from Toronto. We sometimes went on the QEW if we were late, but usually we took hwy 5 because it was so scenic. This particular day my side compartment door flew open. There wasn’t many tools in the box as my competitors will attest (cause I kept borrowing their’s) but the one thing we did have was lots of oil. When the door flew open a few quarts of 20W50 fell out on the highway. Now I know you’re thinking they probably busted when they hit the ground, but NO!, they didn’t splatter, well, not then. I looked in my mirrors and saw the cans dancing on the road and the car behind me ran over one and the car beside him got covered in oil. Like hitting a ketchup package with a hammer. “Oh oh”! I thought. I pulled over and to my surprise the people waved and kept going. We made sure the side compartment didn’t come open a again. The hood, the tire rack and the gas tank are stories for the future. But what a beauty. PS You don’t have to ask me if I was glad God watched over me, and those around me. Even though at that time I didn’t know Him, I was thankful.
The Line Up for Cayuga

<div class=”maint”> Harry Nicholson, Brian Atkinson, Brian Rasshleigh, Rod Rashleigh, me, Ray Hughes and Dave McKee. We think this was Ray’s picture from his medical class in College, or at Law school. After thic picture I started calling him Woody Allen. He got revenge on the track. Nobody won more championships than Ray. He is the Richard Petty of the Hobby Club.
We Parked and Talked, Just Like Today

<div class=”maint”> We always gathered together. We were like a big family. I think racing for most teams is one big family…and sometimes happy.
It was A Long Drive Home For Stewart

<div class=”maint”> Stewart took a hard lick on this week end. His axle was bent like a hockey stick. He was so mad when he hit the wall I think he was out of the car before it stopped hammering the back chute. I know because I watched from the front grandstands. Stewart was one tough Scottsman and never gave up.
Disappointment For Our Team

<div class=”maint”> May 22nd, the first ever Cayuga Victoria week end, our picture in the program, we were pumped. But what a disappointment this week end was for us. We had won the consi the night before at Flamboro and looked forward to this week end. It was 5 years since I ran Cayuga and never ran on the big track. We ran 3 laps and the engine started to miss. We found water in the piston. The crew put it back together and I went to draw my starting spot. I was sort of feeling sick to my stomach because I thougth, what’s the use. I went back the pit and the crew told me we were done, and I said I figured so, I drew #13. We parked the car outside the pits and watched the race. Frazer and Paul came with me on this week end, and after the ordeal they went throug in 76′, this must have been maddening for them…hey I didn’t take missing a race very good, I still don’t, come to think of it, not starting the feature is about the biggest disappointment in racing for me. I think I hear a few agreeing. It doesn’t last near as long now, perspectives have changed but the heart aches still for a minute, okay 2 minutes.
The Top of The Class

<div class=”maint”> If you took this line up of drivers and put them in their cars today, running like they did then (only I want to run like I do now) what a tough bunch. They were as strong a group of runners that ever raced in the Hobby’s because there was so many that were good. There are 8 Hall of Famers in these standings and more on this list that will be eventually. Check out the amazing Terry Dickinson running 5th aganist these youngsters. He was like Mark Messier in the twi-light of his career, always there. Jim English was a Rookie this year would win Rookie of the Year. Lee would win the points.
We Should Have Bought A Winch

<div class=”maint”> We hardly had enough money to get us home from the races. We could always get there, pick our $25 tow money and get back home. So naturally we had to cut out luxuries like tools, spare tires and a winch. Imagine driving the car in after a race and driving it up the ramps. It was real scarry in the rain. But that’s only part of it. Once you dirve it up the ramp, and you need a good head of speed so you can make it, you have to stop. On the rare ocassion I didn’t get the timing right and hit the back of the cab. Perhaps our little angle iron stops should have been much bigger, hey, you can’t know everything…plus remember it was enough to get to the races and bring our family. Remember my priorities. 1st step..get to the track, 2nd…make it through warm ups, 3rd…qualify 4th…try to finish the feature 5th…a top 5 would be nice. Today we’ve eliminated the first step.
David Gets 3rd In The Soap Box

<div class=”maint”> Flamboro had an annual soap box for kids. This was the fist one and David and his friend took 3rd. It was his first time on the track and he was very excited. All the racers families had someone in the race. The first few years it was fun, soon the hockey parent mantality showed up with whinning and arguing over the cars and size of kids pushing. The events lasted for a few years and was fun for the fans and kids, big and little.
One Day We’ll Race Together…Can’t Wait

Grenadier Race Team

Mid Season Championship July 16th

Mid Season Championship July 16th

<div class=”maint”> I won my heat on this night and started near the front in the feature. I was 29th in Flamboro points and barely made it in. The top 24 were guaranteed a starting spot. The heat win moved me to 26th in points and 2 cars failed to make it, one was Harry Nicholson. I started up front in the feature and before the half way mark I had a half track lead over 2nd place. Stewart was running 3rd and behind him was all the hot wheels. He got pushed and ended up going into the front starters stand entrance and flipped 2 or 3 times. The car was absolutely demolished. Under the red I could hear Irene, his wife, yelling and crying, it was a terrible crash but Stew was okay. The race resumed and I held off the fast cars until 3 lasp to go. Lee Jerome past me and won the race, Dave Mc Kee got me next. It was my best feature finsih in a special event in my 6 years with the Hobby’s. I won $100. Dad and Stewart worked every night to get his car back out.
Lee Jerome Wind Mid Season

Lee Jerome Wins Mid Season

Shiryley and David Rework His Car

The Show That Never Happened

<div class=”maint”> This race never got off the ground. It rained out of the 18th and the 25th, so it was cancelled unitl 1978.
Many Great Names on this List

<div class=”maint”> One night in 1977 we had 49 cars show up. It was amazing. It would be the highest car count I ever saw or was part of. Notice some great names here including the Late Roger Downie and Stephen Barton. There were 57 cars show up in 77. We didn’t give show up points then, you had to start a race to get any points. Heats had 12 to 14 cars almost every week.
Feature Results from September 10th

<div class=”maint”> On this night I won the fast car heat and started 21st and finished 4th. I gained 17 spots but so did the top 2 cars, Jerome and McKee. In this feature Jim Collison blew his engine and Ray did not qualify. It wasn’t easy in 77′ to make a feature. Sometimes 17 cars in the consi and only 3 woudl make it. We had a littel feature for the non qualifiers, I was in many….I won $60 for 4th. The stands were packed and it was $8 to get in the grandstands, $10 in the pits. These were the best years for promoters. Lots of cars, lots of fans and the entertainment was very good and not very expensive.
Delaware Speedway Meeting with Roger Downie

<div class=”maint”> On July 29th we raced at Delaware Speedway. I finished 2nd in my heat and on the first lap of the feature Roger spun coming off turn 2. I had no place to go and hit his left front wheel. It ended up busting his front end and put him out of the race. After the race Roger asked me why I hit him right in the wheel. I said 2 reasons one, I didn’t want to hit your door, and two, if I tried going around you I would have caught my right front wheel and we’d both be out. He just laughed. Roger was a great guy, very competitive and usually read the rules different than most of us. He was a very good driver and his crew chief Max was pretty sharp. Roger liked most of his competitors but if he didn’t like you he let you know on and off the track. I had lots of good talks with him after he retired and miss his very much. He was a character.
Delaware Speedway July 29th

<div class=”maint”> On the restart after I hit Roger, the very next lap Jim Collison spun out and I hit the dirt to avoid him. A split second later Stewart Pitchford #47 came in hard nailing Jim.
Delaware Speedway Meeting Jim and Stewart

<div class=”maint”> The problem with Delaware was our speeds were much higher and usually when you hit someone it was over for one of or both. This was a very bad year for Stewart. He was a gamer without any good luck.
Heat Win July 16th…Mid Season

I won 3 races in 1977. It was a short season for us. Only 23 race nights. I missed one because of an enigne not being ready in time. These were the days for a number of reasons. Look at the crowd. The track was packed week after week. Kids were allowed to come out and get their picture taken and we only had 3 divisions with maybe 15 races per night. That’s all you need when there is good car count. Nonie is standing by the starter stand entrance waiting for David. He was 5 years old.