1980 CVM History
1980 OARC Membership

1980 Rundown

Quaker State…..our 9th Year Together

Hobby Drivers for 1980…No Ray Hughes

Hobby Drivers for 1980…No Ray Hughes

Hobby Drivers for 1980…No Ray Hughes

Body Man’s Nightmare

Keep It In One Piece

New Sponsor Picks Up Car

New Home for A While

New Home for A While

New Home for A While

Dad Puts On A Front Clip…No Jig

Dad Welds On His New Cross Member

Cross Member In Frame Rails Capped

Welding Motor Mounts and Supports

Axle In with Drum Brakes

Drop In The Motor

Motor In….Dad With TheCool Glasses and A Smoke

More Stick Welding Needed

Richie Puts On The Wheels

Richie Puts On The Wheels

Paul Works On The Wheel Bearings

There Was A Lot To Do After 1979

Dad Thinks About How He Will Fit The Front Bumper

Harry Holds The Bumper…….Not Tim Horton’s Cups

Grandpa Raymond Elliott’s House………A Wise Man

Dad and Richie Push Car In…Hood Fits

Transmission and Driveshaft…HeyThis Is Easy

We Need Gas

Ramp Truck Not Ready……..Butch Tows Opening Day

Pick Up Nonie and Kids on the Way

Trailer Trouble……….Dad Checks It Out

Buzz Works On Ramp Truck

Lettered…….David Is Leans Against The Building

It’s Much Better When You Have Your Own Stuff

Stewart Pitchford #47 on the QEW

Heading In The Right Direction….To Flamboro

Flamboro’s Extra Security?

Early For Practice

Club Picnic In Milton

Club Picnic In Milton

David and I

Entering Flamboro Fprm The North Gate

Tech Area Fenced Off……….Later We’d Get A Pad

Delaware June 20th

Delaware Heat

Heat Win

Delaware Pits

Delaware Fast Heat Winner…Dave McKee #37

Delaware Feature…We Finish 7th

Delaware Crew

Points Standings…Lee Jerome On Top

Points Standings…Brian Atkinson to 2nd

Pete Ireland at Flamboro

Jerome Pulls Away….McKee Back To 2nd

Flamboro Action Turn 3 & 4..Brian in Front

I’m about to go under Lee? I don’t think so says normal people, but it does look like I’m in the right spot. Brian Atkinson #10 was very strong in 1980 and like any good runner, he ran well on slicks or treaded tires…today would have been good for him and Lee on treads.
Big Fat Sticky Slicks….$$$$$$$$….

Flamboro Points…Lee 1st….Should Be Brian Book

Flamboro Turn 3

Engine Gone…Not Good

Engine Has To Be Removed

Engine Out

We got the engine back Friday morning. I was at work in downtown Toronto at Elgin Ford and I wasn’t going miss the day. I had asked for noon off and the boss said okay, I would have asked for that even without the engine problem just because we were racing at Delaware. When I got to the garage the Dewsbury’s had it all put together except for the rad. We finsihed it off and started it up for 4:pm, then the trouble started. There was only 25 pounds oil pressure. We did a master oil pressure test to see if the gauge was ok and the bad news was that the gauge was ok. Then I called Terry Dickinson and he said to increase the pressure in the oil pump to see if the oil pump is weak, but it didn’t work either. We called an auto parts supplier like JE Willis, only one closer to us, for an oil pump and they sent us a fuel pump. Now it was after 5:pm and we were all ready except an important aspect..the car. The parts company resent an oil pump and we put it in and there was no change. We were heart broken, drained and I cried knowing I would miss the Delaware race. I had called Harry Nicholson earlier, and told him of our plight and he said to come out to the race because Dave Jacombs had hurt his back and it looked like he may not be able to drive. Of course while we were thrashing on our car most drivers were lined up at the pit gate. The Dewsbury’s felt bad and said not to worry we would find out the problem for tomorrow at Flamboro. Nonie and I headed to Delaware knowing we were late but hoping to get a ride. When we got there everyone was signed in, including Dave and he not only drove his car that night but he won the feature. We left right away once I knew I couldn’t drive. I just couldn’t watch my peers racing if I couldn’t be in it. It was a long dirve back and one of our worst disappointments. We would end up missing one night in 1980 and that brought me to a total of 13 missed nights in 9 seasons with 3 nights of 100%.
Flamboro Points..Lee 1st…We Drop To 9th.

Flamboro Practice

Sponsor Appreciation Display

Sponsor Appreciation Display

Flamboro Program

Dave Carson #83

Sauble September 7th

Sauble Turn Three

Sauble Consi

Sauble Exit Ramp

Sauble Pits….#47 Stewart Pitchford

Sauble………….. Pete Ireland Rolls in Feature

Sauble………Doug DiDero #75

Sauble…….Feature Front Chute

Look Suede Racing Boots…

Ritchie Gets A Chance To Try It

Nonie, Shirley and Tracey Ritchie with the Police

Butch Beside Our Car…..Nice Tool Box

A Picture For Every Moment

Accidents and I Wasn’t In Them……..Linc Brown??

Heading Down Parkside Drive Near High Park

Ray!! It”s Going To Clear Up…Look! A Rainbow!!

1980..2 Wins..No Wrecks……Help for Roger Downie