2014 – 2011 Schedule
2014 Schedule

37 Races Scheduled
Modified To Support 100% OSCAAR Mod Schedule……Late Model 18 Shows….Modified 19
AS we head into our 46th year of non stop racing, this season has a few exciting things to look forward to. We are very close to a milestone of 700 consecutive nights racing. We have a total of 1136 nights prior to the start of this season, and of those, 687 have been a consistent streak since June 5th of 1987. Our first priority this year is to hit the 700 night mark, and it will happen on the 13th race of 2014 schedule. If there are no rain outs, that special night will fall on June 28th at Sunset Speedway in our Modified. We have Frisbees for the fans and competitors for that night, as well as 2 bikes for kids, highlighting the 700 nights……….We will be giving our full commitment to the 13 race OSCAAR Modified schedule. Our plan is to race all the Modified shows to compete for the Championship. Our Mod will be the fastest car ever brought to the races by Gary Elliott Motorsports. We have also added 5 Modified races at the new Full Throttle Speedway, formerly Varney Speedway. I am excited that we will race our first ever race at Capital City Speedway in Ottawa……..We will dedicate most of the Late Model races to Sunset Speedway, however, we will not be points contenders because of the conflict in scheduling with the Modified. There are 4 nights where both the Mod and Late Model compete, and we will be supporting the OSCAAR Mod series first………..We also plan to continue our streak of perfect attendance seasons with the Modified. We are at 37 seasons now and the goal is to reach 40 before we do our final lap in this awesome sport 5 years from now, God willing………Our granddaughter Lauren will race in 2014. Lauren will compete in the full Mini Stock schedule at Sunset Speedway, Gehrig will possibly compete in some special events in 2014………Our schedule for 2014 includes all tracks in Ontario that are running, and I think this will be a first for us.
2013 Schedule

GEM Line Up For 2013
31 Races Booked For 2013
We’ve set our 2013 schedule at 31 races. We ran 28 in 2012, in Late Models and the Coupe. We will race 4 CVM shows and 27 Late Model races this coming season. Most of our Late Model races will be at Sunset, however we’ll race twice at Sauble, twice at Flamboro and once at Peterborough Speedways, the remaining 22 shows will be at our home track. The four CVM shows will see two at Sunset Speedway, one at FLamboro and one at Delaware. ………Gehrig returns to Mini Stocks for one more year running Sunset most every race, but also going with us to specials when it includes Mini’s, and isn’t running Sunset……Lauren will race her Quaker State go-cart for the full season at Flamboro with her friends in the WKRC…..Our season will be full again as we promote our sponsors at various car shows, displays and apprearances……2013 is highlighted by our celebration of 40 years with Quaker State and we intend to once again promote the Quaker State brand every chance we get on and off the track, and of course all our loyal sponsors……it will be a busy season for us, but we look forward to getting back in the game after the 7 month rest in the off season.
2012 Schedule

Sunset Speedway Our New Home….Come Out And Support Us In 2012
The 2012 race schedule is complete. Our new home track is Sunset Speedway. We are looking forward to not only competing at the newly renovated oval, but also bringing our sponsors and fans to this awesome facility……There is a great line up of specials at Sunset in 2012, races that will feature some of the best Stock Car drivers in Southern Ontario……Our schedule includes 2 CVM races, both at Sunset Speedway. We will post our grand son Gehrig, and grand daughter Lauren’s schedules very soon. We will also visit Flamboro Speedway twice, Varney and Peterborough once. There is a possibility we may try to make a race at both Kawartha and Delaware Speedways, we will announce those on facebook and our site when confirmed. We are looking forward to a great year in racing please join us when you can.
2011 Schedule

33 Race Schedule
2011….33 Pontential Races
This could be our 2nd busiest season ever. For that to happen will depend on some luck on the track and in the skies. Rain will play a big factor for any race team, track or series in 2011. The rain storms and cazy weather in North America could change a lot of plans. One thing we can hope, with so many races scheduled we should get in 25 to 26, enabling us to maintain our average per season since we started racing in 1969. Hope you can make some or most of these shows. July 9th and 10th are tentative only because I could be away for that week end. I would prefer to be at the races, however a special someone may be getting the high light of their year, and maybe one that could top the memory list. In order for that to happen I have to give up at least the 9th. The 10th at Sunset is still doable, depending on when we get home. If it was a Late Model points night, it would be postponed until the end of the season, and that could still happen. Hoewever, I really want to do this special thing for this special person, so the 9th is looking like a lost race, but for a very good reason. We’ll keep the front page of our site updated regarding schedule changes. Thank you for supporting our team and our sport.
2010 Schedule