2016 Schedule has been updated to add Kawartha Speedway on September 17th
Category Archives: Schedule
2015 GEM Schedule
Please note…all Thunder Car races are cancelled….and on August 29th, we will be at Flamboro Speedway running the “rained out” rescheudled OSCAAR Modified race from May 30th….. 2015 schedule. Since 1969 Gary Elliott Motorsports has been averaging over 25 nights per season. This could possibly be the last year we will try to make this many shows. Not because of desire, but because of the expectation a schedule of this amount puts on our crew. I appreciate very much all those who have helped me over the years. Every year it gets tougher for crew members to commit to so many races. Most teams in Ontario race 12 to 15 nights in a season, most series run less than 14, and even then it’s hard for some crew to make a full season. One thought is to just race at one track, but that would eliminate one of my race cars, and that isn’t going to happen. The other is to reduce my number of shows to 25. If I do that, I should have enough crew to facilitate 25 shows, making it easier on them. I never expect my crew to make every race, so having 7 or 8 crew members makes it possible for them to take nights off, yet still feel they are part of the team.
That is one of the reasons I race conservatively. It helps deflect the burden on my crew to spend extra time working on the car. I don’t mind racing that way really, because being conservative helps reduce the cost as well.
Our streak of 721 race nights in a row without a miss will jump considerably in 2015, however, when setting a 36 race schedule, chances of missing a night increase. I am hoping to complete this schedule in 2015 and then for 2016, God willing, reduce the race nights by 25%.
I am very thankful for our tremendous sponsor support in 2015. They are also the reason I race so many nights, to give them maximum exposure. Our team averages 15 to 20 off track shows a year, giving even more exposure to our valued sponsors. I will be doing a write up on each sponsor very soon.
Thank you for visiting our site, and thank you for your support.
Hope to see you at a race track near you soon.
2014 – 2011 Schedule
2014 Schedule

37 Races Scheduled
2013 Schedule

GEM Line Up For 2013
2012 Schedule

2011 Schedule

33 Race Schedule
2010 Schedule