With the season fast approaching we only have a few things left to do. My crew have been awesome in the off season helping get things done.
Special thanks to Shannon Riley, Chris White, Jack Lynds, Bob Landry, Robert and Emily Sanford.
I will have my sponsor list on the right side updated for 2024 very soon, all the business logo’s and website addresses have been sent to my web server technician.
More to report soon, thank you for your patience.
God bless you all.
Category Archives: 2024
2024 Paint Scheme Done……Same As 2023 Some New Partners
We finally got our car complete as far as work is concerned. There are a few small things left to do that will be done in the next week or so, then our final set up for 2024.
Here is the picture of our new look.
More updates to come, sorry for being slow on posting, lots going on.
God bless you all and thanks for visiting our site.
We Finished The Body Installation…..Paint Next By Jerome Tracey Of Cape Breton
We started working on the car in late October and just finished all the fabrication this Saturday February 10th. We couldn’t work on it last weekend because of the big storm we had but did get work done Wednesday the 7thy and then completed it on Saturday. Thanks to Chris White, Jack Lynds and our newest crew member Ashley Harnish for their help.
The panels go out for paint early this week and once finished we can install them and then have Kirk Alexander letter the car. we will basically have the same paint scheme as 2023 as Quaker State will return for one more year….maybe more, but looks like this could be our last year based on the conversation I had with our marketing manager 3 weeks ago.
This season coming, my 56th will mark a few milestones.
* Quaker State 1974 to 2024
* Our 900th consecutive night on our 11th night of 2024
* Our 3000th career race on our 13th night of 2024.
Looking forward to this year, been trying hard to get new sponsors and we did get a few, I will make a post on our new sponsors soon. We still need at least 2 to 3 more sponsors to do what we plan in 2024…..18 races including 3 in Ontario.
Hope you are well, God bless….more coming soon.
Rebuild Continues With Good Progress….New Sponsors To Welcome Soon…..Looking Forward To 2024
After a great Christmas we are back at working on our 2024 rebuild. We have been making great progress getting the following done in the past 10 days.
* installed rebuilt quick change
* painted and installed lead
* installed driveline (engine and transmission)
* installed driveshaft
* installed driveshaft hoop
* repacked all wheel bearings
* installed new brake flex lines
* installed new brakes front and rear
* bled brakes
* bled clutch
* installed shocks and springs (shocks were tested with good results)
* installed rad and hoses
* hooked up electric fan
* hooked up power steering lines
* installed complete interior
Our next work list will include securing all the wiring for the MSD, alternator, gauges, temp sensor and fill with water. We hope to have all the chassis and ignition work done then start the car and let it run to make sure there are no leaks anywhere and all gauges are working properly.
Besides working on the car for a thorough overhaul, I am reaching out to different companies to partner with us for the next 2 years. So far there has been great interest and I will soon introduce and welcome our new sponsors on here.
PS…check the update on 55 Years of Stats. We will hit 2 milestones in 2024. We have 2974 career races entered so far including, heats, semi’s, trophy dash, consi’s and features. We will reach 3000 on our 13th night this year.
Maybe even more of a record in our streak, something that has been tested many times since it started on June 5th 1987. Of our 1330 nights, We are at 889 consecutive at the end of 2023 and will reach 900 on our 11th night this year. That may have been the toughest and most demanding of all our stats making sure we didn’t miss a schedule night each year since it started. I thank God for providing me with dedicated family, crew, sponsors, friends and determination to make every race night.
More on our update soon.
Thank you for visiting our site, God bless you all.
Welcome To Gary Elliott MotorSports
2025 Stats
Coming soon