1976 Membership to OARC

<div class=”maint”> Bob Kurtin was the Secretary Treasurer in 1975 and 1976
1976 Rundown

Getting Ready for 1976

Preparing the Chassis

Preparing the Chassis

Preparing the Chassis

Race Ready

<div class=”maint”> The only difference from 1975 to 76′ was white wheels. The gold wheels, in order to look good, had to be painted every week (spray cans every week from Canadian Tire add up) There were no racing chrome wheels then either. These wheels were spray painted in the booth and had a baked finish. Old Mill Pontiac was our sponsor again in 76′, this would be their last year with me. They helped get me with paint and some product and Nonie and I bought a 1976 Grand Prix from them.
Motion Car Show

<div class=”maint”> This shot is from the Motion Car Show hosted by Dizzy Dean. Harry Nicholson has his mint coupe #14 in the show.
Motion Car Show

<div class=”maint”> The OARC took car shows verys serious and so did I, but as you can see in this picture I didn’t get my firewall or floor installed in the car in time for the show. There was quite a bit of controversy and complaining about that. One thing that use to happen, especially at the car shows, was a few members would always point out what was or wasn’t legal on the race cars, making other members upset. In my case it wasn’t finished, but some guys had new chassis ideas etc. We found eventually that our inovators would avoid the car shows so they wouldn’t give away any inventions. This way they had didn’t get caught until a few nights into the schedule.
Motion Car Show

<div class=”maint”> Keith Barton is in front of me and Bill Waksih is beside him.
Car Show Engine Damage???

<div class=”maint”> We started the car up a few days before opening day and we heard an awful noise. This picture shows the damage to the cylinder head and the piston from a lock washer smashed into the piston and head. How did it get there? If you look back one picture to the car show, you can see I didn’t put a breather on my car for the show. I wanted to show the carb, it was a new 650 cfm. I have no idea who did it, anyone could have come into our display while it was unattended, but I am postive it happened at the car show. I was planning to run every night in 76 but I missed opening day after this incident. It could be said that I was dumb for not putting a breather on my carb, I never dreamed anyone would do such a thing. What words would you use for the person who dropped the lock washer into the carb?…you won’t find them here.
Back Together

Toronto Star Picture

<div class=”maint”> Len Coates from the Toronto Star came out to do a story on the Hobby division. This was the picture from the article.
Pit Crew Members

<div class=”maint”> Paul and Frazer were the main part of my crew in 1975. Dad and Ed were there also. I remember after this brutal season with so many bad finishes and DNFs that they were both exhausted by the years end. For my birthday they chipped in and bought me my first set of headers. Great guys, but I burnt them out in a short time.
Shortest Season Until 2001

<div class=”maint”> 1976 only had 19 nights total. It was the lowest race night in the Hobby’s until 2001 and 2003 with 17 each. There was no more Speedway Park or Satellite Speedway, no more Pinecrest, they would become history. I ran every night (no kidding) all but opening day. That was because of the engine problem with the lock washer in the engine, or I would have had my 2nd season with 100%. My points finishes were very bad even with only one night missed. We had 2 points standings and one was dedicated to Gallinger Motors (a Ford Dealership). We set aside a few nights that were considered Overall Points…I don’t know who #27 was.
Terry Dickinson #92

Thumbs Up..No Gloves

<div class=”maint”> I knew somene was taking this picture. I am giving a thumbs up, but more importantly you can see I was not wearing racing gloves because they weren’t mandatory at that time. They were an option that cost money. Some guys wore them and even fire underwear. I did have a firesuit.
Brian Atkinson #10

Turn 3 & 4 Action

<div class=”maint”> I realize there are a few versions of how this seqence went down. One, I just passed Brian and was going under Terry, or two, I’m about to pass Terry and Brian is following…Terry will say he just past Brian and is passing me on the outside (it was safe to do that) and Brian who was rarely wrong (just kidding Brian) will say he is lapping us. We will all wind up in the Hall of Fame, Brian will be a little while yet.
Dave McKee #37

<div class=”maint”> Dave McKee started in 74 and didn’t take long to become one of the clubs best. The many top cars of the club knew Dave would be a threat week after week. Pictured here is also Brian Atkinson and it looks like Ding DeLeeuw beside him and I’m right behind.
Terry Leads the Way

<div class=”maint”> Terry was a great guy in many ways. He was a top driver with a low budget, he did all his own work and much of mine at times. Terry was so smooth, he made it look easy. Terry along with Bill Wakish, George McLeod, Bob Field, Keith Barton, Harry Nicholson, Don Cockburn, Jim Pinder were the veterans we looked up to, the men who kept our club together. Now the transition of the vets and new comers was quite an overlap as the new warriors came on the scene McKee, Hughes, Rashleigh, Jerome, Atkinson, Book, Kurtin and others. Terry Dickinson was a man of grace and stature that always got respect from his competitors. He is another worthy member of the Hobby Hall of Fame, along with McKee, Hughes, Jerome, Pinder, Barton, Cockburn, Nicholson, Field, and McLeod.
Terry Dickinson Playing Alone

Where’s the Mirror’s

<div class=”maint”> Maybe you didn’t notice before but we went to smaller mirrors in our cars. We weren’t allowed the East Coast mirrors anymore. Also my exhaust pipes would instigate a rule that made them dump behind the drivers seat. We spent a few weeks trying to comply with that rule. During our blueprint process, and engineering strategies, we tried to figure out which was less expensive..lengthening the exhaust or moving the seat forward!
Did Someone Call for the Wright Brothers?

<div class=”maint”> A young Jim Bunting stands beside me as I work with 2 men in white coats. (easy now). The boys in white were Paul and Frazer. Beside me is Ray Hughes. Look at how low his car is to mine. Now, unless he has 3 flat tires I don’t understand how my friend got so low to the track. I figured I had the advantage on him because I could see what was happening on the track by looking over his car. George McLeod is beside Ray and in the back ground is Dave McKee and beside Dave is Ken Jorgenson’s red and white coupe.
We Got It

<div class=”maint”> A young Jim Bunting stands beside me as I work with 2 men in white coats. (easy now). The boys in white were Paul and Frazer. Beside me is Ray Hughes. Look at how low his car is to mine. Now, unless he has 3 flat tires I don’t understand how my friend got so low to the track. I figured I had the advantage on him because I could see what was happening on the track by looking over his car. George McLeod is beside Ray and in the back ground is Dave McKee and beside Dave is Ken Jorgenson’s red and white coupe.
Going Out for Practice

Dedicated Crew

<div class=”maint”> These guys, along with my dad and Ed were very dedicated to me in 1976 and would do anything to come home with a good nights racing. We struggled badly in 76′ and if we came home without any trouble we considered it good. I appreciated all they did and still think of them and thank them all in my heart. Frazer would come out to a race in 2004 and it was Barrie Speedway. We won that race by 3/4 of an inch over Steve Lyons. Frazer was pumped but I couldn’t get him back out again, he’s still recovering from 76’….but what a reunion at Barrie.
Milton Parade

<div class=”maint”> Dave McKee and I went in a parade in Milton on a Saturday afternoon. Gord Haselfeldt had something to do with it, but I’m not sure if he organized it or just had me and Davey McKee in it..that could be a song.”me and Davey McKee”…what’s awesome about a parade, especially this one, you get to stay within a car length of one of the fastest cars in the club for almost 25 minutes. I rarey saw Dave this close.
A Barrell of Fun

First Flamboro Feature Win

<div class=”maint”> I finally won my first feature race at Flamboro on June 15th the night before Nonie’s birthday. The timing was excellent because she knew I’d be happy for a week. In my first 5 years I won 2 features. It was not an easy venture, however we loved the sport, being a part of racing was always the most important aspect and winning was a bonus.
Narrow Driveway

<div class=”maint”> Our driveway was so narrow the trailer would only go to the edge of the house. Our property was 25′ wide including the driveway. The neighbours hated the race car and I wanted a bigger place to work. I’m sure they all yelled…”well then move”!!!…but we needed to be patient and so we raced from this locaton from 1973 until 1986. Ken Jorgenson even shared the garage with me for a while. He needed a place to keep his car and he taught me a lot of good stuff and I taught him how to understand some Italian.
David and Shirley

<div class=”maint”> Our driveway was so narrow the trailer would only go to the edge of the house. Our property was 25′ wide including the driveway. The neighbours hated the race car and I wanted a bigger place to work. I’m sure they all yelled…”well then move”!!!…but we needed to be patient and so we raced from this locaton from 1973 until 1986. Ken Jorgenson even shared the garage with me for a while. He needed a place to keep his car and he taught me a lot of good stuff and I taught him how to understand some Italian.
David and Shirley

David and Shirley Loved to be Involved

Twin 25 Heat Win

<div class=”maint”> A night to remember. This was the 2nd annual Twin 25’s. They were always a favourite of mine. To win this event was special. I got off to a good start by winning my heat. In the first feature I was spun out running 3rd coming off turn 2. This would end up being one of the biggest wrecks in Hobby history. At leat 10 cars got towed off the track. Terry Dickinson came out with a jerry can for a fuel tank but they would let him run because it was only held in by a bungy strap. I would end up 9th and 6th in the 2 features
Can You Guess How Old Shirley Is?

<div class=”maint”> We’ll close 1976 with this picture of Shirley. This was her birthday so she stood in front of the 6 to reveal her age.