1981 Membership Card

1981 Run Down

Racing with one of the best #37 Dave McKee

Quaker State back for the 8th year

Kids get ready to take car apart

Richie and the crew lift the 33 Ford Coupe body

Lots of work from here.

David with his best friend David Lewis

There at the post!

Honey we found the engine miss!


Home Depot

A coat of black

Start the re assemble

Start the re assemble

Coming together

Engine Next

Body’s On

Harry Bow At Work

On our way…ugly but ready

Flamboro Pits

From white to black.

Lettering by Norm

Securing car on 48′ Chev Ramp Truck

My dad Merile, and my mom Shirley

Richie brings car up for warm ups

!981 Drivers Roster

Hobby Heat at Flamboro Speedway

Early Points Race Stats

Loading Up to go Racing

It’s Feedinig Time

Hobby Racer and Sponsor

Harold Lawrence

Bill Spero

Points Standings

New Car

Stewart Pitchford

Sunday Afternoon Wreaks Havoc

Hard Hit Backwards

Monday Night We Take It Apart

Ready To Start Repairing

A Closer Look Says…Why Fix It?

Jackson Carr & Rich Ritchie More Than Crew

Finishing Touches

Saturday Morning… Almost As Good As New

The Truck Gets Painted As Well

Another Year And I’ll Look Like Jason Shaw

Points Race

Richie Happy We’re Here

Sammy Taylor #82

Tom Gallinger #30

Ron Shaw #81

A Perfect Story On How We Lost The Race

Ron Jerome Take Point Lead

My Future Car..1936 Plymouth Coupe

Hot Off The Press

The Kids and Crew Chief

Tim Young and His Boys

Hard Chargin’ Dick Remus Takes The Checker

Points Update

President In The Best Appearing Car

This Tough Piece Could Win

Mad Dash Into Turn One

How Can This Be

A Sunday Race

Cruise Lap

Flying Down The Front Chute

Tom Gallenger #30

Mayhem With Hall of Famers

John Hasselfeldt #66

Dave McKee #37

John Hasselfeltd #66 Having His Best Year

A Great Crew Member

There’s nothing like having a dedicated crew member also be a real good friend. Rich and I were very close and had so much fun doing things together away from racing. We played hockey together, played darts, watched and cheered for the Leafs, sang songs at parties but most of all we loved racing. He worked with Nonie at the Post Office in the late 70’s and I met him through Nonie. He came over with his wife, Bev and their 3 girls. We had many great times and he inspired me always. I think every race car driver that has a passion for racing, has a dedicated crew member like Rich. No matter what we do, we can never do wrong and they always keep us encouraged and make you feel like your the best week after week. Over the years I’ve had many good crew members, this father of 3 was one of the best.
This Is The Best Of All Moments

Racing is incredibly fun, and winning is the most exciting of all. What’s even better than that, is when your children come out to get their picture taken with you. You feel so glad you won, and now you can share that moment with someone you love, someone who makes you feel like your their hero. David is enjoying the win with me, he’s holding the checkered flag, and I’m proud to give it to him. One day in the not to distant future this 10 year old will grow up and capture his own checkered flags, his own championships and his own notoriety. In the meantime, dad is on top, saying, this is what it’s all about. Moments like these are hard to beat, and cannot be replace. As I enjoy this particular time in my racing career, it gets better and more exciting as I realize and hope that one day we may race together. Racing has been a tremendous blessing to me, and I thank God for the family, friends and fun.
Same Win Different Side

John Thought It Was Easy

1948 Chev Maple Leaf Ramp Truck

Bob Fields #4

The Coach Man

Heading To The Coupe Hospital For Repairs

Best Friend

Axle Or Hockey Stick?

Nonie Cleans The Car

Dad With His Grandchildren

Close Call

Can You Find David

Close Quarters

Judging By The Smile

June 28th Heat Race

1st Win Of Season

Coming Off Four With #65 Jeff Bedell

Hobby Cars Were Always Fun To Race

John Hasselfeldt #66

Mid Season Heart Break

Dick Remus Hardest Hit

Heat Battle

Dad, Harry and Richie

Doug DiDero #75

Super Wreck In The Next Sequence Of Pictures

John and Marc Make Sure I’m Okay

King Pin Sheered….Thats Not All

We Need A Flat Bed

Fans Look On

We Didn’t Make It Back Out

Back In The Garage

Taken It Apart

Pledge On The Roof

Off With The Roof

Working In The Dark

Working On The Front End

Richie and Angie

Friday Night

Ready To Go

Two Weeks After Super Wreck

Soap Box

David, Gary and Sharon

Jim Collison #12

Racing Into Three

Ed Sooley #72

Jim Collison #12

Ron Shaw #81

Harry Nicholson #14

Tom Gallinger #30

10th Year O.A.R.C.

Front Chute Flamboro

Bob Kurtin #80

Lee Jerome #57 Leads Son Ron #58

5th Win of 81…October 18th

Last Night Of 81 Was Our 250th in Hobbys

Final Standings..We Finish 4th

Paul Cornwall

1981 Hobby Club Banquet