1982 Membership Card

1982 Run Down


33 Ford Heads For Repairs

David and Shirley pose as the 33 Ford gets hauled to a garage with heat.
Beat Up Coupe Waits For Bondo Doctor

Putting The Final Touches On Our 240

Grenade Gets Paint Job

Powered by Steffon

Lettering The Car

Elgin Ford Used Car Showroom

Driving In The Snow In Toronto …Who Does That?

O.A.R.C. Sign

Mike DeLeeuw #17

Hobby’s Work Hard At Promoting Club

Jim Collison #12

Butch On Display With Our 36 Dodge

Club Display

Yellow and Black…In Celbration of Ray Returning?

Butch & Me At Motion

Car Show Write Up

Rebuilding The Engine

Running Two Cars

Jim Collison #12

Pit Row

Practicing At Flamboro

1948 Chev Maple Leaf Ramp Truck

Heat Line Up

Two Car Race Team…Two Car Garage

Working In The Garage

Roger Perry #98

First Gold Cup Race May 16th 1982

Side by Side with Pete Ireland #26

Falling Slowly

Jeff Bedell #65

Dick Remus #44

Ad For Race At Varney

Varney Pit Pass

First Time At Varney In A Hobby Car

Varney Pits

Ron Shaw & Bob MacDonald Turn Two Varney

Death Of A Coupe

Messed Up Points Standing

Dave Carson #83

Rained Out ? Not Yet! We Had To Bob Kurtins

Bearded Steffon Ready To Unload

Unloading In The Rain

Bob Making Plates….Me Making Faces

June 19th..Putting It Back Together

Heating Nerf Bar To Relocate It

Thanks Bob

1st Win Of The Season

Brian Atkinson #10….Trust Me

Ray Hughes Leading The Points

Mangled Mess

No More Patching This One

Ray Hughes 24

Johnny Spins

Front Chute Flamboro

Ding Had His Own Column

Pink Panther

Dave Carson #83

Syncronized Drift

Jim English #55

Battling With Pete Ireland

Storing The Ford Coupe Body

Last Ride For This Junk

A 9′ Year Old Shirley…A 48′ Chev Ramp Truck

With barely enough tools to fix a bicycle, there was no hope of us having any welding equipment. Ironically, that was the piece of equipment I used the most. We rented the welder once in a while. Here Shirley poses just before we leave to return it. I’m guessing it’s secured enough.
Delaware July 2nd

On July 2nd 1982 I finished 4th in my heat and 5th in the semi. I started 3rd in the feature and got the lead after Dave Benley and Doug DiDero spun together. I led the feature until Bob Kurtin passed me and so did Brian Atkinson. On lap 9 of the 20 lap feature, an accident coming off turn two caused a lot of damage to the back straight guard rail. The Hobby club refused to continue the race until the fence was fixed properly. The track agreed to have us come back again on August 6th and finish this race before starting our regular show on the 6th. We had a meeting on July 5th, the Tuesday after the long week end and there were four points of interest regarding the race on July 2nd (these are from my notes taken at the Hobby meeting). 1) the final 11 laps will be run on August 6th 2) the pay out for July 2nd will be at the completion of the August 6th show. 3) the cars will line up for the final 11 laps as they were running when the yellow came out 4) You must pre enter for the 6th of August…..Nonie and the kids and I usually came in the truck. To pass the time away we played “punch buggy”. Everytime you saw a VW Bug, you called out “punch buggy” and hit someone close to you…it helped pass the time.
Bob Fields

Brian Atkinson #10…Yes He Gets Me

Kids Soap Box Race

Winners Circle

Harry Having Fun

Rich and The Boys

Brian Breaks A Wheel

Battling With Rich Farraway #53

Take The Lead With Six To Go

Say It Ain’t So

Racing In Front Of All My Fans

Spinning Into Turn One

Jim Collison #12 Goes High

Dave Bentley #29

Hood Up Means Trouble

We Blew Many Engines In 82′
Pulling Out The Lemon

Ready To Install Patch

Tow Truck To The Rescue

Common Scene For Dave Mckee #37

Jeff Bedell, Harry Nicholson & Jim English

Flamboro Pits

Wayne Fetter #38

2nd Heat Win September 6th

Another Engine Gone….Almost

Smiling Ray…Sad Gary

Barrie Heat Race

3rd Win Of 82…Hard Work Pays Off

Barrie Feature Starting Beside Doug DiDero

Barrie Line Up

Battling Brian For 3rd At Barrie Speedway

Jim English Won Fast Car Heat

Ray Hughes Wins Championship

Surrounded By Brian and Bob

Ron Butts #88…..Rich Farraway #53

Davey Jones #99

Lining Up For A Heat

Family Racing At Kart World

Front Chute War

Points Standings

Most Popular Driver 1982

Two Of Our Crew Members Of 1982

Mom Dad and Richie

1982 Special Photo