1983 Hobby Membership Card

1983 Run Down

Official Pace Car

Installing The Engine

Shirley & David Help

Coupe Waiting To Go For Lettering

Heading To The Beauty Shop

Stewart Pitchford #47 TQ Midget

Hamilton Car Show

TQ Midget #47

Ron Butt #88 In Car Show

Judy Barrett Paints Mountain Lion On Hood

Proposed Pay Out

Motion Car Show

Big Foot

Motion Car Show

Pink Panther In The Show

Coming Off Two…Flamboro

Ron Butt #88

Heat Win May 21st

Pre Season Tech Sheet

Points Standings After One Night

Quaker State

Varney Speedway May 22nd

Varney May 22nd

“Whats wrong with that boy”…could have been the words uttered by the infield spectators. I don’t think they were staff.
Jim English #55 Wins At Varney

Varney Semi Win

Hilarious Grumpy Old Men

The Crew Of 83

Hobby Talk By Ding & Judy DeLeeuw

Flamboro Pits

Side By Side In One

Points After Two Nights

Hobby’s Always Backed These Shows

David Becomes Part Of Our Crew At Eleven

Jim Collison #12

Racing At Flamboro

Last Lap Mayhem In One

Running With Rick Kobel

Flying On The Front Chute

Peter Ireland…26

Tech Inspection

Not Good

And It Wasn’t The Inline….This Time

Nice Looking Engine….Don’t Be Deceived

Varney Speedway June 26th

Roger Parry & Gary Scott

Quaker State 10th Year


Ontario Place

1936 Dodge Coupe

Different Angle

CN Tower

Cayuga Pit Row

Close Quarters

Ray And Rick

Bill Spero #71

Rick & Dave At Sauble July 1st

Dave Carson #83 Wins July 1st Heat Race

Sauble Semi Win…July 1st

Sauble Win July 1st

Jeff Bedell #65
Jim Sweers #75

Rick Leads Ray Past Davey Jones

The tight surface of Varney made it hard to pass but once a hole opened up you were pretty well doomed. Davey Jones #99 gets hung outside as Ray goes under.
Murray Lockheart #72


Front Chute Confab Coming

Kids Wait With Dad

Crew Joins Us

Gary Scott Interview

Crew Celebrates


Checking Carb & Plugs

After The Races

Crew At It

Suicide Bomber

48 Chev 3 Ton Maple Leaf

Easy To Walk In These Pits

Ray Wins Varney…Big Crowd

Cayuga Race…Motion 250

Rich Farraway Gets Tore Apart

Roger Parry Inspects Crash

Remodelling To Follow….This Charger Was Okay

Rookie Jim Sweers Takes A Beating

Jim Collison #12

Racing Into Three

Hang On Wayne

Wayne Martin #34 is doing his best to hold on to his Chev Coach as it gets loose in the turn. Ray is in the middle of this chaos and his front wheel are slightly turned to the right which means he has probably just hit Wayne or was hit and knocked into him. Either way, it’s not good for either of them, or the car going low, although he should get through if Wayne spin right around.
Picture With A Thousand Words

First Time On Chrome Wheels In A Hobby Car

Pile Up In The Corner

Hobby Talk

Smiling David

Varney Win August 14th

Chaos At Varney

Lining Up For Feature

Bad Bruce Manson #74 Takes The Lead

Easy Now

Ron Butt #88

Ding Deleeuw Senior

Flamboro Promo

Gold Cup #8

Pit Bound

Bob Kurtin #45

Ron Shaw #81

Flamboro Points Standings

Ray Hughes was a Champion many times. 1983 was one of those years. His good buddy and most comptitive peer was Bruce Manson #84 who did almost anything to beat Ray. Jim English was consistent in 83 putting him in the top 3 and Ron Shaw was having his best season ever sitting 4th right behind Jim.
Roger Parry #98

Roger Parry In His Pink Panther Fire Suit

Bruce Manson #74

Here’s Brucey!!

Davey Jones #99

Shirley Holds The Flag

Flamboro Program Picture

Dare Devil Killed At Westgate Labour Day Week End

Dave Johnston #47

Reflection Racing

Harry Nicholson #14

Bentley & Parry Slam Wall Saturday September 3rd

Brain Pratt #3

Brian Atkinson #10 and Rick Koebel #42 run side by side as they follow #3 Brian Pratt. Brian was friends with the Hillis family and most of the racers from Guelph, and bought the Shutterbug from Ken Hillis Jr. He made his debut in the Hobby club in 83 and ran a few weeks until a mild heart attack sidelined him from racing. He sold the car to Don Shaw, Ron’s twin brother. Brian loved racing and wanted to be involved with the Hobby’s. In 1984 he joined the committee and was a tremendous worker for the Hobby club until the early 90’s. Brian was fun to be with and had smooth moves to get what he wanted, and it always benefited the Hobby’s.
Bruce Manson #74

Ron Butt #88

Charlie Beck #79

Dick Remus #44

We all know there are racers that people don’t want to see win, NASCAR, even in the Hobby’s. But in the case of Dick Remus, we got excited when he won. Maybe it was because he fought so hard to win, or maybe because he had so much bad luck, or maybe just because he was a nice guy.
Smiling Ding DeLeeuw Sr.

Barrie Speedway September 12th

2nd Heat Qualifying September 12th

Jeff Bedell #65 Takes Consi September 12th

Jim Collison #12

The excellent looking car was just as fast as it was nice looking. Jim was always a threat and by now in his career he had mastered running hard and staying out of trouble. That made him consistently one of the cars to beat.
Jolly Roger

Rich Farraway #53

David Practising

Ray Playing It Safe

Dust Rolls As Rich Slams The Wall

The Farraways

Brian Atkinson #10 Leads With One To Go

DeLeeuw In A Cloud Of Smoke

Mark & Murray

Heat Seeking Misile #74

Brian Atkinson #10

Wayne Martin #34

Canada Steam Heat

Can’t Park Here

Jim’s Battle At Flamboro

Charlie Beck #79 Wins Feature

Dicing With Rick Koebel #42

It Wasn’t Me

Harry Nicholson & Bruce Manson

David Lewis and Shirley

36 For Schurr

Ray & I Racing In The Snow

Record Setter

Hobby Banquet