Hobby Club 1986…20th Year

Hobby Club Has Big Year….Me And The Boys Of #36?….Not So Much, But We Never Gave Up
Nonie and I started our 15th season with the Hobby Club in 1986. After our disastrous 1985 season we wanted to make a better run for the title in 1986. That meant rebuilding our car complete. We sent it to Jim ward, where Ray Hughes worked, and got a lot of repairs done. Half our 1986 budget was spent at Jim’s place. We also got a new engine built, went over our car very carefully and landed a great sponsor in Dixie Ford, my place of employment. Brian Pratt lead the Hobby club through a very successful season. It was the 20th Year for the OARC as a club. Brian was energetic and brought new ideas and events to make the year exciting, like the match race at Kalamazoo. Brian also worked on a deal for our pace car and was very good working with all the issues the club went through including dealing with John Casale. I remember Brian right in Johns face a few times over issues with the club but he always came out smiling. He was a great President and a good friend. Merile Elliott (my dad) Paul Cornwall, Steffon Zoskey, David Elliott, John “OJ” Hyduk and John Saucier also helped us when he could. Both David and Shirley were not allowed in Flamboro pits, David was 14 and Shirley 12, she would be 13 in the summer but could not get in the pits because of insurance regulations. My Dad didn’t make every race, but made it when he could. It was a very hectic year for our family. Half way through the season we moved from Toronto, where both Nonie and I lived all our lives, to Waterdown. I could believe the size of home and property we bought. Our Toronto home went up for sale and within a few days we had bids higher than what we were asking for. The move was a great one for us, both the house and the shop suited us and would hopeful make things easier in the coming 86′ season. Things were great everywhere but on the track. By the fourth night of racing we were 28th in points, and still our next two Flamboro races would produce feature DNF’s. It was extremely frustrating for us. There were times when I lost my cool, mostly because of the things that were going wrong, but aside from the bad luck, we still had some positives. We won six races, including our first feature in 2 years. John Benson, from Kalamazoo Michigan drove our car to an exciting win against one other American and six top Hobby drivers. The club booked 31 races in 86′ but lost four to rain, giving us 27 race nights. We made every show, but missed one feature, the only night we ran at Sunset. We tried everything we could to get back out for the feature and had help from Jim Collison, Paul Fisher, Dave Bentley, Ron Shaw and others, but we would watch that feature race, a moment in racing I found very difficult to accept. Some positives included having a great crew with Paul, Steffon and John being there most every week. Nonie and kids made every show as well. Getting Dixie Ford as an involved sponsor also was a great asset for us. Winning the Sauble feature was feature was an exciting night for our team, then winning the heat the next day at Varney gave us some confidence. However 1986 was not going to be a year that we would remember in positive way. Our first thoughts once the year ended was planning for 1987. Mike Witter won the Flamboro Points on the final night, getting by Charlie Beck who was leading the Flamboro points. Charlie did win the Gold Cup series. We won Best Appearing car for the second year in a row, the first time with #36. Special thanks to everyone that participated in making this year as good as it was. The photographers for providing us with awesome pictures. All the great write ups by Georgia Beck. Also to those who helped us directly, my crew, friends and competitors. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out as we pay tribute to 1986 in the following pictures, captions and articles of the characters that made it a special year.
1986 Rundown

More Info From Now On
The 1986 Rundown not only shows the number of races we ran at each track, and the restults, but starting in 1986 I kept track of who won the features each night. That added stat was continued until 2004, the year we switched to Late Models. However, I kept track of all the feature winners in Late Models as well…..I want to thank all those who helped us this year. My amazing wife Nonie and my children David and Shirley, our crew and sponsors, and the many photographers who sold or donated pictures. Some of our shots in 1986 were with the throw away camera……We were blessed to have the dedication of Paul and Steffon, our main crew members for 1986, with John Saucier also making many shows. My Dad, Merile, helped where he could, and David on away shows. Both David and Shirley were not allowed in the pits at Flamboro in 1986, the first year for that rule….Ainslie Hogan was incredible, not only supporting us financially but also with encouraging words. We hope you enjoy the 1986 season, and I will try to get it up as quick as possible.
Hobby Cars Start 20th Season

Hobby Club Season #20
Brian Pratt worked with me on the 1985 committee, an excellent group, and had some great ideas. Now he would lead a new committee in 1986 to celebrate the Hobby’s milestone of twenty years.
Hobby Roster

1986 Hobby Line Up
This was my 15th season with the Hpbby club, but someone didn’t know me very well, they posted me as #37. Maybe it was an omen because in 2 years that would be David’s number.
Hobby Race Schedule

Ray Hughes 1985 Champ On 1986 Schedule
Our 1986 schdule had 31 races booked. We had enough to run both our Flamboro home track and Gold Cup series. The club usually booked 30 plus races knowing we’d lose a few to rain, and still give us 25 to 28 race nights. Our plan was to make every race. Of course that depended mostly on the reliability of our inline engines. We blew at least two every year, in 1985 we lost three. We did a lot of work on our car and so a run at the title was the goal and legit. It was our 15th season and time to get to the head of the class.
Proposal To Dixie Ford

Working At Dixie Prompts Proposal
I started working at Dixie Ford as a Service Advisor in 1985. At the end of our race season I put a proposal into Dixie Ford for sponsorship in 1986. This is the proposal given to Ainsley Hogan owner of Dixie Ford in November of 1985.
Dixie Ford Accepts Proposal

Dixie Came On Board As Our Sole Sponsor For 1986
We were very happy to get this letter, a notice that was sent around the dealership for all employee’s to read. Once we got the go ahead we started getting our car ready. Quaker State and club sponsors were the only other companies on the car.
Car Gets Gutted At Dixie Ford

Dixie Ford Let’s Us Use Shop To Strip Car
We wanted to have a good car for 1986 so we decided to strip it right down. It was beat up pretty good after the 1985 season, but still needed some major work to make it look and run right. Steffon Zoskey and Paul Cornwall would help us when they could.
Dixie Ford Contest For Color And Name

Dixie Staff Get To Name Car
We had a contest to see who could come up with a name for the race car for 1986. Many ideas and color schemes were put in. The one that was chosen was the “Dixie Devil”, submitted by salesman Chris Shepher. Dixie Ford had a sales program the year before exclusive to the Dealership for Ford Bronco 2’s, calling them the Dixie Devil. They had lots of decals left over and decided they would look good on the car. There was no problem this year, but there would be in 88′.
Jim Wards Shop

Jim Ward & 69 Auto Racing Would Redo Our 1986 Car, Body & Bars
We dropped our car off to Jimmy Ward in early 1986 to let Ray do some chassis and sheet metal work on our car. David stands by the car. We stripped it down as much as possible at Dixie Ford before bringing it to 69 Auto.
Ray Had Help

Don’t Leave Anything Unless It’s Metal
This cat walked all over every car that was brought into Jim’s shop. Ray warned us not to leave roll cage padding, seat covers or anything that could be clawed, because it would be.
Snow Day In January

David & I Head Out In 10″ Of Snow
Not sure where we were going but we needed to move so we wouldn’t get this new Tempo, my Demo, stuck. we use to get Demo’s as part of our job as Service Advisor. That changed early in 86. Also not sure who took this picture but I’m guessing Nonie or Shirley.
Quaker State Agreement

Quaker State Back For 13th Season
John Allison gave us another sponsorship for 1986. This was our 13th season. We would send in race card reports and pictures. If everyone did that they were in the following year, if you didn’t they would drop you.
1986 Crew

Scott, Paul, Steffon & David
While our car was out getting repaired me and the boys tried to come up with some ideas to gain power. Polishing the crank, running a belt driven water pump was on the drawing board. Also, new roller rockers, headers and more. We were pumped thinking we were gaining an edge on the competition. We never gave up trying things.
This Is No Sunken Ship

Grinding & Fitting Roof & Engine
Ray put a dummy block in the car and set the headers in place so we’d know what had to be cut out and fabricated, we being mostly Ray, or Jim. The engine was an old anchor, maybe one of Ray’s rockets that blew up, but the headers were knew, man did they look out of place in that rusty piece.
Flamboro Schedule

1986 Flamboro Speedway Schedule
Flamboro Promotion

Flamboro Season Promotion
Sunset Speedway Schedule

Sunset Schedule 1986
Sauble Schedule

1986 Sauble Speedway Schedule
Hobby Sponsor’s

1986 Hobby Sponsors
Brian and the 86′ committee worked hard getting these spopnsors on board for 1986. I was able to help with Quaker State again, and many of the sponsors from the year before came back with us.
Daytona Bound

Family Trip With The 4 Of Us & Nonie’s Mom
Nonies Mom didn’t want to go to the 500, but Nonie and the kids and I did. We took her to Palm Springs to stay with her friend and picked her up a few days later. This was our second time to Daytona.
Coming Together

Bead Rolls…Wow, They Always Make A Job Look Great
Steffon & I Like To Work Together

We Fit The Side Curtains
Steffon and I went to 69′ Auto and helped fit the cardboard template for the side curtains. Anytime we could help out was okay with Ray and Jim. We weren’t going to save any money, but then we wouldn’t be standing around asking any kind of questions. It was a fun day and we got a lot done in this shot and the one below…these photos from a throw away camera, though poor quality, helped tell the story.
David Helps

David Stands Beside Our Nose Cone Creation
We used cardboard again to shape the front nose cone. We fit it around the brand new 1986 T-Bird grill. We got them because they were replaced under warranty for defective chrome. Once the dealership was given the command to destroy them I would head them off at the dumpster and ask if I could have it. The parts man said “no, these have to be destroyed”. I said “don’t worry, it might take us a few races but it’s liable to happen”. Anyway we got a few and it made the car look better, giving it some character.
Drive Roster 1986

Here Is One With My Name & Number Correct…Nice
Hobby Hall Of Fame 1986

Joe McQueen & Doug Bowerman Inducted
Fabricacting Almost Done

Body Looks Good…Next Step Is Paint
Body Work

Body Work On The Roof Gets Done Before Paint….That & Trunk, Only Original Parts To Coupe
Ready For Paint

Prep Done Paint Booth Awaits
Paint It Black

This Was A Great Paint Job On This Car…We Were Getting Geared Up In Every Area
Dixie Devil Lettered

Lettering Complete…By Spider!!
Article Before Motion Show

Georgia Beck Writes Pre Season Hobby Article
Bill Elliott Signs Picture

Bill Elliott Signs Picture Of Our 1985 Best Appearing Car…Shirley & I Are Excited
Bill Elliott…& The Elliotts

Nonie, Shirley & I Get Picture With One Of The Best NASCAR Drivers Ever
In 1985 we used the number 9, the first and only time. We loved watching and cheering for Bill Elliott. We had our car painted like his and got a thrill of a life time having him sign it for us. We didn’t do very well on the track, but we did win Best Appearing Car. It was our first time winning that award, and kind of incredible considering we’d run #36 for 16 years before that in Mini’s and Hobbys.
Dixie Ford Race Night

Meet The Race Team
On this night at Dixie Ford, Ainslie Hogan introduced all of us and basically got our season going with a great send off. On the right side of the picture is Ron Corbin the shop foreman who would become the service Manager, and beside him Brian McLean, the transmission specialist. All the staff were invited to meet our race team.
1986 Pit Crew

New Uniforms, New Paint Scheme, New Sponsor….Great Crew.
This was our first time to have nice uniforms. They were all embroidered with crests attached. We looked like a professional race team. From left to right our crew consisted of David Elliott, Paul Cornwall and beside me Steffon Zoskey. Paul and Steffon were in there 7th season as our pit crew, but importantly our friends. This was David’s first official year, although he helped at home in previous years, he was now a bona-fide member of our crew.
Dixie Ford Mustang

Dixie Ford Sponsors Flamboro Speedway Pace Car
Hobby Pace Car

Brain Pratt Lands Wellington Chrysler Dodge To Sponsor Hobby Pace Car
Dixie Ford Ad

Dixie Ford Promo Ad For 1986 Season
Season Opener May 3rd..Witter Wins

Mike Witter Win’s Feature……Not A Good Night For Us
Over the winter we did many things to our car to try and give us an advantage, gimics maybe, but we thought some would work. One that didn’t was the electric water pump. The idea was to save horsepower, but the problem was it didn’t turn the water pump fast enough and we blew two head gaskets this night…..just prior to the season starting I was tightening up the the motor mount bolts at Dixie Ford, a week before our season started, and was using an impact gun to tighten up the four half inch bolts. I didn’t notice that the mounts on the engine were not even with the chassis mounts. I should have tightened the bolts up a little each, but instead jack hammered the first one. That pulled the left rear mount about 3/4 of an inch off the chassis. So not noticing, I decided to tighten it up as well using all the power this impact gun would give, and the I heard this loud terrible bang/clunk. A few seconds later oil came running out of the back of the engine. It was easy to spot, it was coming from the large crack from the rear of the 250 engine broken from the head to the flare…..anyway I learned a lesson on that, and tonight I learned another, use a regular water pump so the engine dosen’t get over heated and warp everything inside. Our screw in the distributor also came loose making the timing go south adding even more the over heating of the engine. Congrats to Mike and his team, back to the drawing board for us…PS…in fairness to the trouble I’ve had with inline sixes, both of these issues were my fault. Having said that, inlines are up ’65 to 6′ (at least) since 1972.
Heat Winner #22 Ken Frost

New Comer Kenny Frost, Raced In 85…Still Winning in 86
Early Season DNF

Second DNF In Two Nights…..Engine Woes Continue
On May 10th we had to use our spare engine. The overheated engine from opening night needed 3 pistons, rings, a new block and $1,000 to cure. That was totally our fault, or at least it was the enigne to blame. The overheating was caused by a defaulty set of points in the distributor combined with the new electric water pump that did not do the job of cooling. We reverted to our spare engine, we call it the Hays engine…Gabby Hays that is. There was a lot of work needed to get it ready for the 10th and by the time we left home it was after 6:30 and we missed practice and our heat race. There were 30 cars, and 21 had made it into the feature through their heats. We had to start 9th and only 3 qualified. It wasn’t long in the consi before the engine started to overheat again. I was running 7th at the time, but had to pull to the infield. This picture says a lot for our hopes at running for a title. The only thing we were running for was a tow truck, and more money to fix our engine problems. Jim Lindsay was building our engines, he built Ray Hughes, and many others as well. The problems with our engine were nothing to do with him…….Larry Westwood won the May 10th feature.
Trouble In Turn Three…May 10th

Ron Shaw #81 Goes Low, Wayne Stevens #99 Goes High…Ron Easton #00 Undecided
Larry Westwood Wins May 10th

Feature Winner May 10th
30 Hobby cars showed up on Saturday night at Flamboro. Larry Westwood #21 won the non stop feature.
Ray On Top

Hobby Top 12….1985 Champ On Top After Two Nights
Hobby Tech Inspection May 17th

Hobby Inspection Sheet…1986
Rich Farraway Wins Feature

1984 Points Champion #53 Rich Farraway Wins May 17th Feature
The biggest field of the early season had 31 cars come out to Flamboro Speedway. We had more bad luck this week making it 3 non feature starts in three weeks. Our hopes of winning a points title were quickly going away as overheating woes (all different reasons) would not leave us alone…..there were no woes this night for veteran racer Rich Farraway who won the main event 20 lap feature. Pictured here are Rich’s boys, Leonard, his dad Bill on the far left and the others may include one of his sons, Jason or Darrell.
Keith Barton #85

Long Time Hobby Racer, Committe Member & Club Sponsor #85 Keith Barton
Dave Bentley Wins May 24th

Hard Runner Dave Bentley #29, Wins May 24th Feature
What a night this was for Dave Bentley and his team winning the feature. Dave was the fourth different driver to win in 86. We had a terrible night again. We managed a 3rd in the heat race, our first finish of the season. However there were troubles once that race ended. Steffon was sick and we needed to do a ton of work, and I was lucky to get some great help from Eddy Askin, Don Shaws crew chief, Charlie Beck and Ray Hughes. Paul Cornwall noticed a clunk from our starter. On closer inspection we found the flywheel was loose. We had to remove the driveshaft, trans, bell housing etc. We were suppose to start outside pole in the feature. It was a night mare repair as we found a broken flywheel bolt and all the bolts loose. Charlie Beck had an extra bolt. We started putting it back together and Sharon Yost came over to let us know the cars would be lining up soon. We scrambled hard and were having a terrible time lining up the bell housing to the back of the engine. It was taking way too long. Jim Collison was the bubble car and was watching us like a hawk on a field mouse. We finally got three bolts in one side but could get none in the right side. I made the call to weld the bell to the engine. The transmission went in easy, and while the welder was doing his thing, John Saucier and I tried installing the drive shaft but were getting zapped by the welder. We got it in and the starter, but we couldn’t get the clutch rod in. Sharon came over again and my crew said “we’re coming”. I’m sure Jim Collison’s crew were saying “no there not”. Anyway we finally got the car on the ground but no clutch. The cars were going on the track. We were to start outside pole, but now we’d be lucky to start period. We finally got the car moving and it wouldn’t go, but I did get it to go with the starter engaged. We made it out just a split second before Sharon was sending out Jim. It was a wild race with Ray and Mike Witter having trouble. Mike had an axle shaft come out Murphy’s Law 1…Mike O. We lasted half the race with no clutch pedal, and then the car started overheating again. If it could go wrong this year it was going to Murphy 6…Gary…0 Anyway it was the best night of the year, though we fell to 28th in points, so much for a shot at the title. Steffon had a good night off, but would earn his keep during the week when we fixed this once again.
Hobby Standings

Dave Bentley Early Points Leader
Sponsor Night At Flamboro

Dixie Ford Night At The Races….Memo From Ainslie Hogan
Dixie Ford was one of my best sponsors to this point. They were very involved and wanted the staff to come to the races and cheer on their car. I was happy but worried, because we had not qualified for the first three features, and didn’t finish the only feature we were in. Out of 8 possible races, we only had one finish, the rest were DNFs including heats. So we had to make sure we were ready for this weekend….but to be honest, if it was the Iranian Dance Festival we’d still want to be ready to go for the win. The frustrating part for us, and it could be considered by now…maddening…was the fact that the 40 changes we made to our car were suppose to help us be a championship team, but now we were 28th in points having our worst start maybe ever. It would be good to have a turn around night.
First Win Of Season

Dixie Ford Night…..Nothing Like A Win To End Bad Luck Streak
First Win Of 86
“Dixie Ford Night” Sponsor Comes And We Win….Nice….Our First Win Of 86…Ties All Of 85
Kids Join In Celebrations

Heat Win A Big Relief….Feature 5th….Lead For 17 Laps
It was great to win the heat race this night. With all our friends, fans and colleagues from work here, and my boss Ainslie Hogan, it sure was a good feeling to win in front of them, especially for Dixie Ford Night. In the feature we started outside pole and lead the first 17 laps. Jim Collison, who told me prior to the race that we did amazing to get our car out in time last week, won the feature. He missed the feature on the 24th but made up for tonight. We were very tight in the feature race and pushed so bad that Jim, Ray Mike and Charlie all got by me. My co-workers were still excited and it was a great night overall…obviously we broke the jinx that was haunting us the first month of racing. Congrats to my crew Paul, Steffon and John for hanging in there.
Points Leaders

Mike Witter #19…Tops In The Class After May 17th…We Sit Uncomfortable In 28th Place
Rich Farraway #53

Promotion For Rich Farraway
Kyle Petty Wins

Bill Elliott Crashes..Kyle Petty Wins
Point Standings 6 Weeks In

Ray Hughes #24….Top Of The Leader Board
Triple Header Week End…June 6-7-8

First Gold Cup Feature Goes To #12 Jim Collison…Jim Makes It Two With Heat Win
We did not have any Barrie pictures, but this will do. Jim won the feature, his second of the season, and second in a row. Ray was 2nd and Mike Witter 3rd. We finished 2nd in our heat this night and were running 5th and got tangled with Dave Bentley. We were a DNF because it was a closed pit gate race. We were naturally hoping not to start the Gold Cup Series with 4 DNF’s, but we were off to a good start if 4 DNFs was the plan….but it wasn’t. We did have a decent run this race, just some racing luck. Ray Hughes, Mike Witter, Jim Collison and Larry Westwood were all heat winners with the Consi going to Larry.
Sauble Heat Goes To #33 Wayne Martin

Gail Shaw Present Trophy For Wayne Martins Heat Victory
Wayne Martin is usually #34 but he was driving Tims #33 this night. There were 26 cars on hand for this second race in a Triple header Gold Cup week end. We finished 2nd in the heat behind Wayne. We had a good run, but our feature would even be better….see next photo.
Sauble Feature Winner #36….

Great Night For Us With Sauble Feature Win…2nd Of Triology Weekend
This was the second Gold Cup race of 1986. What a great night it was for us. We ran good all day in practice, in our heat and in the feature. Nonie came over to the pits before the races and pumped us up by telling us that our car looked very strong. That was encouraging. There is so much to talk about this night, we sure were on our game plan. We started up front because of our bad finish at Barrie Speedway, but got a second in the heat, and started 4th in the feature. We got the lead at the end of lap one and then it started to rain. We drove around a few laps trying to dry the track, the rain had stoppped. Then when the starter motioned me if it was good to go, I waved him off twice. They sent us to the pits and let the Challengers run their feature. After that the track was perfect. A huge dispute started in the pits when some wanted a completle restart. I argued for us because we had completed one lap and it was only a rain delay. The race restarted with us on the pole and we ran hard all race. Near the end it was getting tense with Jim Collison and Mike Witter right on my tail. Near the closing laps of the feature we were lapping cars and I knew by the sound of engines, someone was right on me. Lapped cars were battling side by side, they still were racing, but that made it possible for both Jim and Mike to catch us. On the white flag lap I was really nervous..don’t blow it…going down the back chute lapping cars on the outside was perfect because it meant no one behind could dive in low. Coming off four the car was perfect and we crossed the line with two cars right with us. Steffon and Paul were there to enjoy the feature win, our first since Barrie in 1984. We celebrated this night for sure. After the races, our crew and family, Jim and his crew, Mike and Paul Fisher as well as Dave Bentley and Mike Kostel all met at our hotel in Sauble. I bought the pizza, and it was great. I slept good knowing we could win another feature.
Ron Shaw #81

Ron Shaw Wins Heat Race At Varney Speedway June 8th
After starting outside pole in the fast car heat Ron went on to take the checker in this competitive race. Ron and Don have become tremendous supporters of the Hobby club working hard, doing what they can to make the club stronger.
Rich Farraway #53

Hard Luck At Varney For Rich Farraway Our 1984 Club Champion
Trouble In Turn 3
Mike Kostel #20 Spins…..Look Out!!!!
Charlie Beck #79, Jim Collison #12 go around the spinning #20 of Mike Kostel. Ron Shaw #81 hits a road block and I try desperately to get out of the way. We all got through this mess.
Varney Speedway

Varney Speedway, A Fast Little Bull Ring
Jeff Bedell Wins Varney June 8th

Final Race Of Triple Weekend
This was the final race of the 3 day series, Barrie Friday, Sauble Saturday and Varney on Sunday. The weekend saw 3 different drivers take the feature, Jim Collison won Friday, we won Sauble and Bedell won this one……This was our 8th feature of the season with the 7th different winner…on this day our team had fast time in hot laps, won our heat but wrecked in the feature. There was a pile up and I couldn’t avoid Ron Shaw and bent our tie rod and axle. We were pushed off the track and immediately my crew, Steffon and Paul as well as Larry Westwood and his crew Lloyd Loveridge helped change the tie rod to get us back out and we finished 11th……hard charging Jeff Bedell started pole in the feature and ran away with it, taking his first feature win of 1986.
Ken Frost Wins June 14th Flamboro

Kenny Frost Wins Feature….8th Different Feature Winner….We Finish A Close 2nd
This was a great night for Kenny Frost picking up his first feature win of the season. It was a great night for our team as well, we won our heat, from the back and finished a very close 2nd in the feature. The best part was Ainslie Hogan owner of Dixie Ford was there to cheer us on…..it was an awesome night for all of us. My Dad was very happy with our night and I gave him the hat from the nightly sponsor, Forbes GM Truck, Dad loved in and would wear it as he headed the next day to Nova Scotia….nothing like a good night to keep the spirits high.
Hobby Points

Ray Hughes Holds Point Lead…Mike Witter Close Behind
Dave Bentley #29 June 21st

Dave Bentley 9th Wins Flamboro Feature….9th Different Win In 1986
Tonight was regular racing and the Hobby Clash, a race that featured all the feature winners from the year before. The regular racing was great, we had another full field of cars and the hard charging Dave Bentley #29, became the 9th different feature winner of the season, showing how competitive the class has become…..we finished 2nd in our heat and crashed in the feature, unable to put 2 good nights back to back…..Bruce Manson returned to win the Clash and did so in fine fashion.
Mike Kostell 20 Wins Feature June 22nd

Sunset Speedway Feature Winner #20 Mike Kostell
Mike Kostell #20, the young hard charger became the 10th different feature winner of the 86′ season. Jim Collison is the double feature winner, and he has been running excellent this season. However on this night it was Mike Kostell who took the win and the checker……We had a bad night. A severe engine miss, that developed into a no start kept us from running in the feature. There are not many things that bother me, but one that changes my personality is not starting a feature. We wait all week to race and to have some issue with the car keep us out of the race, especially when we’re having our best season, was just over the top disappointing. We were 5th in the points, but not starting the feature was a huge hit……congrats to Mike on his awesome win.
Heat Race Sauble Speedway

Hard Battle In Heat Race At The Beach
This was our second show at Sauble Speedway for 1986. In this heat race I am leading Wayne Martin #33 (driving Tim’s car), Ron Shaw #81, Larry Westwood #21, Wayne Stevens #99 and Jim English #55. Twenty five Hobby cars made it to this race and we would hang on to take our 4th win of the season……Wayne Martin would go on to win the feature, his first of the year.
Sauble Speedway Win July 12th

David Gets In Picture
Racing is all about family and fun and nothing better than winning a race and your children get in the picture. David was a big help for us in 86, learning a lot as he was being prepared to one day race…….this was our 4th win of the year and sure felt good.
Press Recap Early 86

Hobby News, Recapping The Early Racing
Press Update Page 2
The Rest Of The Story
Wayne Martin #33 Varney Speedway July 13th

Wayne Martin #34…..Wants To Make It 2 In A Row
We ran a double header this weekend, racing Sauble Speedway on Saturday and Varney Speedway on Sunday. It rained most all night but cleared up and we had most of our cars show up. Dave Bentley missed the show, but we still had 25 to compete….Wayne Martin, shown here, usually drives #34 but was driving Tim’s car again, and after winning the feature last night at Sauble he was looking at making it 2 in a row.
Wayne Stevens #99 Varney July 13th

Wayne Stevens Hot Laps Varney Speedway July 13th
Wayne Stevens was a great addition to the Hobby club. He was always giving more than he took and would become a great supporter by being part of the club executive as well as a full time racer.
Jim English #55 Varney Speedway

Jim English #55 One Of The Toughest Ever…..He Gave Up Nothing To Win Or Keep His Spot
Mike Ball #13

Mike Ball #13 Flies Down Back Chute At Varney During Practice
Brian Barton #95 Varney Speedway

Brian Barton…..One Of Many Racing Barton’s
Brian Barton is a great addition to the Hobby club. Just like his Dad he cares about the club and puts in extra effort to make it better. It seems that most all the racers join the Hobby Club and then do whatever they car to make it better, or keep it going in the right direction…..it seems to be working, as the drivers have lots of races, awesome reviews from every track and incredible competition……Brian’s Dad Keith, raced in the early 70’s and I had the pleasure to race with him as well.
Bev Thring #57

Bev Thring #57 Wins July 13th Feature
It didn’t take Bev Thring long to start winning in this club. He brought out this car, I called it the roof, because that’s about 90% of the body. Anyway his set up and driving skills made the Hobby club even tougher competition wise, but on this night none could touch Mr. Thring.
Driver Of The Week Dave Bentley #29

Dave Bentley #29….Winner of the Clash…Driver of the Week
The Hobby Clash was sponsored by Dave Franks Photo’s left, Brian and Keith Barton from B&B Decals. Dave Bentley was the big winner of this race held on June 29th at Flamboro Speedway.
Twin 25 Flyer Flamboro Speedway

B&B Decals Sponsor Plus Many Businesses Sponsor Twin 25’s
The Hobby club members and drivers sold laps for this event to help pay for the 2nd feature. Flamboro wouldn’t give anymore money to run the 2nd race so we raised our own money. Some years, we raised so much, the track owners didn’t want to pay us for any races because we were so successful in our efforts…..anyway special thanks to all those who did support us with $10 lap donations.
Jim Collison #12 Wins Twin 25’s

Jim Collison #12…Having An Awesome Season…Takes Twin 25 Overall With A 4th & 1st In The Features
Kalamazoo Sppedway August 8th

Hobby Club Makes 2nd Visit To Michigan’s Kalamazoo Speedway
We were very popular our firs visit to Kalamazoo in 1985. Brian Pratt, our President, easily booked us for 3 races this weekend. Our first stop was Kalamazoo, then Flat Rock and then Spartan Speedway near Lansing. We got rained out at Spartan but ran very well at the other two races prompting shows for 1987.
Track Promotes Race

Hobby Cars Prompt Old Timers Night That Includes Match Race….With John Benson Sr.
After the Hobby feature the Old Timers race took to the track. Two track Champions, Roger Gilligan and Johnny Benson Sr. (father of Johnny Benson Jr. who would soon race NASCAR), raced against 6 Hobby drivers.
More Track Promotion

Hobby’s Are Coming But The Main Excitement Is Put On Track Icons Roger Gilligan & Johnny Benson
Johnny Benson To Drive #36

We Proudly Give Our Car To Past Track Champion Johnny Benson…Winner of the 1965 Oswego Classic
Johnny Benson stands by the car he will drive in the Old Timers race against the Hobby cars. Our crew were very excited and proud to have him drive our car and he did awesome.
Kalamazoo Pits

Happy and Proud To Be Standing Next To This Kalamazoo Legend…Paul Cornwall Is At The Rear Of Our Car
Practice Kalamazoo

Johnny Benson Shakes Down #36
In the first set of hot laps Johnny drove Jim Buntings car and I could not pass him, I always pass that car, but could not get by. Later, in this set, he drove our car and almost spun out. He said there was lots wrong with the car and was prepared to help us get it right. I had been compensating for a poorly set up car and could avoid spinning out, but I was wearing myself out trying to keep the car right. Tonight was a huge help for us with Mr. Benson not only giving us tips and helping, but also driving the car to see how the improvements were doing.
Timing Johnny Benson

Brian Pratt Watches As I Check Lap Times On Johnny Benson
Right after the first set of hot laps Brian Pratt, President of the Hobby Club, asked for a volunteer to loan their car for Mr. Benson, he was having trouble adjusting to Jim Buntings car. I offered our car for a Trophy Dash featuring him, Roger Gilligan and a few Hobby drivers. I said yes, but only if Jim’s car was given to Roger and it was agreed. So Johnny got out in our car for a few laps like this practice session……after these hot laps Johnny said the car was loose going into the corners and I agreed that it was for me as well, but didn’t know how to fix it. He said “you need more wedge” and so we went down one hole on the right front and it was better. A few more practice sessions and a few more changes and he was happy with the car. He said he didn’t want to change it too much for me, but my crew and I laughed saying “don’t worry, we have been driving it like this off and on all year and whatever it is it will be better than what we had”…….in our heat race we finished 5th, and because of a big wreck in their Thunder Car division, they cancelled the Consi and brought out the Trophy Dash Match Race.
Mike Kostell #20

Kalamazoo Collects Kostel
Paul Cornwall & Nonie Relaxing

Just Taking It Easy….It’s All Good
Kalamazoo Trophy Dash Winner

Johnny Benson Wins Trophy Dash To The Delight Of Everyone
The ten lap race was awesome. There were 6 cars in total. Mike Witter, Dave Bentley, Ron Goodison and Ron Shaw. Johnny started outside pole beside Roger and took the lead. For the first few laps he pulled away but slowly Mike and Dave were closing in. When the white flag came out it was a 2 car race with Witter putting tons of pressure on Johnny, Fans were screaming and cheering as the 2 cars flew down the back chute with Bentley close but not near close enough to do anything with half a lap left. Going into three side by side Mike was slightly ahead but Benson wasn’t letting up and drove hard into three, gaining the lead by half a car length. Mike was right there but knew to try and win he would be taking a chance of wrecking both cars. The little hesitation, and the momentum off turn four was all Johnny need to grab an incredibly exciting victory. His daughter filmed the race and screamed most of the final 3 laps, especially the last lap. we were just as excited. The grand stands were packed and the fans loved it.
Crew Joins The Winner

Paul, Steffon, David, Johnny & One of His Crew Take A Victory Picture
Ken Frost #22 Feature Winner

Happy Ken Frost #22 Wins 25 Lap Feature….We Finish 3rd
What a night for our team. Not only did our car run awesome in the Trophy Dash with Johnny Benson, but ran almost as good in our feature. we started 18th and managed to finish 3rd behind Ken Frost and Mike Witter. Dave Bentley was 4th and Charlie Beck 5th
News Release August 8th Kalamazoo

Nice Report Following Nights Races
Flat Rock Speedway August 9th

Ron Shaw Wins Inaugural Flat Rock Hobby Race
This non stop feature was a good one for our first time to this track. Unfortunately there are no pictures from 1986 of Flat Rock, but Ron Shaw won the feature. We finished 8th, started 19th and the key to this track was the constant turning that soon wore most drivers out……we won the consi
Ron Shaw #81

Ron Shaw One Of My Favourite Competitors
Spartan Speedway August 10th

Coupes & Winged Midgets….Would Have Been An Awesome Show…Rained Out
After Flat Rock was had our 3rd US race for the weekend but the rain spoiled our chance to have fun at this weird designed oval. This was to be our first visit at Spartan Speedway and we were all looking forward to it.
Spartan Speedway August 10th

Rained Out….Club Members Get Group Shot Near Track Sign
Point Standings

Ray Hughes On Top Flamboro Points
Cayuga August 24th

Cayuga Speedway Promotion For August 24th Race
Cayuga Souvenir Program

Cayuga Speedway McKERlIE- MILLEN Classic