Demo Derby Win at Acton Speedway Fall 69′

When I got to Acton Speedway, this 59 Chev was for sale for $50. I bought it and won $125 for the Wreck Em race. The reason I took Chevy’s with sixes was because they always started when they got hot. My goal was to destroy the car so bad I coudln’t take it home with me.
Color Me 1st…Acton Speedway

Acton Speedway…1969

Acton Speedway…1969

Pinecrest Demolition Derby

Pinecrest Demolition Derby

Pinecrest Labour Day Wreck A Rama…$500 to Win

Pinecrest had an annual Labour Day wreck em’ race event. It lasted all day with heats and a feature. The grand prize was $500 to win, that would be about 2 months pay. There were 3 ways to get in the feature. Cars with the most spectacular paint scheme or lettering or appearance were voted on by the fans. The 3 winners were automatically qualified for the feature. Before the heats started they drew 10 names out of a hat. Those names drawn did not have to go in the heat but could save their car for the feature. Over 100 cars showed up. They put compacts in the same heat and big cars in a separate heat. The 6 heat winners qualified for the big race. They could use a differnt car because the one they won the heat with wouldn’t be much good. The reason I say that is because if a guy sand bagged the crowd would boo him so that he wouldn’t win even if he was the alst car running. That was the rule on determining the winner, the last car running..the best show for the fans was seeing the last 2 cars being the ones who put on the best show, but a few guys who really put on a show were knocked out near the end…We got a sponsor New York Auto Wreckers who supplied me with 3 cars. The Hillman, a 52 Chev and a 56 Pontiac six cylinder. I tried to make sure I was in the feature, so Nonie and I decked this Hillman with stuffed annimals and tree branches and called it “Animal Kingdom”. I would have won in the 3 appearance awards if the winner of the first category went off after he won, but he stayed out. The announcer walked by the cars on parade and held his flag above each car to get the crowds response for the 3 category’s and he won every time. It didn’t seem fair. They changed that system in 1970. After the parade was over we went to the pits for a drivers meeting and the name draw. I did get my name drawn out of the hat so I was guaranteed a start in the feature.
Pinecrest Labour Day Wreck A Rama…$500 to Win

What A Day To Remember…We Win!!!

A Trophy, A Case of Oil and $500

My Mom Shirley and Nonie

My Mom Shirley and Nonie

Big Win

Horin Auto Wreckers Staff

Horin Auto Wreckers Staff

Horin Auto Wreckers