The Go Cart Will Win At This Point
A Good Week
Late Model Waiting For Paint
1983 History
Remembering Harry Bow #35
Remembering Harry Bow #35
Name Those Dudes
Trevor James Photo
Go Cart Frame Ready For Paint
Working At Jimmy Sweers
2008 Paint Scheme Coming Soon
How Dumb Is This!!
Performance World Car Show This Week End
New Paint Scheme For 2008
Performance World
Ed Stewart Equipment Sponsors Bikes
Stanley Avenue Baptist Church
Let Me In The Garage!!!
Grand Opening ABIS Dental Group Milton
Hey Coupe Get Out Of The Garage!!!
Leanne Ruelens To Share The Driving In 08′
Oh!! …We Got Trouble In Turn Three
May 17th Bike Winner
Elliott’s Have Awesome Night
Two Bikes Given Away June 7th
Family Jury Finds David………”Not Guilty”
Warm Ups Okay
Delaware Bound….Bring An Umbrella? NO!
Parts Source 141
Exchanging Of Cards……Not Changing of The Guard
Happy Young Girl Wins Bike
July 19th………Rained Out
Huntley Street….Norm MacLaren & Reynold Maines
Celebrating With Our Friends
Glen Schurr’s Grandchildren
Sauble Brings Out The Best
After our win on July 26th and Saturday nights exciting 2nd place feature finish, we were on a run of many blessings. It’s true I love running at Sauble and we usually do well there, but what happened in the feature left us giddy and dumb founded again. We qualified outside pole with a 3rd and 1st in our heat races. It was our first Late Model win at Sauble. Johnathan Urlin started pole and would go on to win the Quaker State 100. We would have our best finsih ever in a big race crossing the line in 2nd place. Nonie was spotting for me, Jim had to work as did Jason. She was amazing with her info and kept saying from lap 25 that we had a strong car and just had to maintain our pace to get 2nd. With 8 laps to go, the final caution came out and she started crying tears of joy. She said “you’ve got it, your going to finish 2nd”. Her play by play was awesome, coaching and talking to me every lap. My spotters never tell me how to drive only where cars are on the track and if cars are inside or outside. Nonie and Jim give such great detail, I can almost picture the what the race looks like from the grandstands even tough I’m in the car. What a night for us to shine with Quaker State sponsoring the race. Thanks to all our crew and sponsors for giving us this opportunity to run competitively….also congratulations to Jonahtan Urlin for his win, and to Ron Sheridan for racing us hard and clean.