Easter is the most important time of the year. Not only do we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, but we do with the knowledge that He did this for us, and to show that even death could not hold Him. Those in Him have the same victory.
I have beaten many great racers, many great Dart players but Jesus beat “death” and He did that for us.
John 2:19 while standing in front of the temple in Jerusalem Jesus said “Destroy this temple and I will raise it in 3 days”. Those around Him were confused and stated “it took 46 years to build this temple, how will you raise it in 3 days”? But Jesus was referring to His body the death that was coming to Him in the near future.
Mathew 28:4-6. After His death Mary Jesus mother and Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where He was buried and were in stress that the tomb was open. An Angel asked “Who is it you are looking for”? They replied “Jesus”. The Angel answered “He is not here, He is risen, like He said”. (John 2:19)
Happy Easter everyone and thank you for visiting our site.