How great it is for our team to have Ron Easton of Oakville Trailers sponsor us for the 2016 race season.
I have dealt with Ron for many years with all my cars, our CVM Coupe, Late Model and now Modified. There isn’t a race car that Ron and his shop can’t build, fix, fabricate or repair.
This will be our 3rd season running the Oakville Trailer logo and we very proud to have Ron and his team with us in 2016.
If you are in need of a trailer, or getting one safetied, or getting repairs done for any of your vehicles, give Oakville Trailers a try.
The shop is equipped with a licensed mechanic, who can do most repairs and maintenance on all cars, vans and light trucks, as well as provide DOT safety certificates…….call 905-469-8939
CVM Legends Gather On Stage….50 Awesome Years
Here are just a few of the many racers who showed up on Saturday for the 50th Anniversary reunion. You can be sure there will be another one, or something even bigger this summer……just need to get it planned now and let Flamboro owners know so they can get a great picture of all the racers in front of the grand stands at the finish line….with old and current cars.
I hope got all the names right here”
Front Row left to right….George McLeod, David Elliott, Keith Barton, Wayne Varley and Charlie Beck Jr.
Second Row left to right…me, Ray Hughes, Al Bowman and I am so sorry do not know the end fellow yet.
Third Row left to right…John Karley, Tim Martin, Brian Atkinson, Steve Trendell, Mike Willians and Rick Jones….all great racing friends.
CVM Celebrates 50th Anniversary
On April 2nd the CVM/Hobby Club held their 50th Anniversary celebration event at the Legion in Dundas.
The Hobby’s, known as the Jalopies during their beginning, raced at the CNE when it opened in the early 50’s until it closed in 1966.
A group of men decided to preserve these nostalgic race cars forming a Chartered club called the O.A.R.C., the Ontario Amateur Racing Club in 1966.
When the CNE closed the Hobby club started racing full time at Flamboro Speedway.
There was a great turn out of drivers, including a few on hand who raced at Flamboro Speedway on their opening day in 1962.
I was honored to have raced 40 seasons in the CVM, 33 years consecutive. We hold the record for the driver with the most consecutive seasons, missing only 15 of over 800 nights in those 33 seasons. I miss racing with my friends, but very much enjoyed seeing many of them yesterday at the reunion.
Oakville Trailers Getting Modified Closer
These pictures from March 30th show our Modified taking shape. Mostly cosmetic updates for this year. Things have been hectic for me causing a slow start on our cars, but we are in high gear now and looking forward to getting both cars home and finished.
The Modified will be painted by Josh Watson once it’s stripped down. The new bars will be chromed by Metal Coaters and once those are finished the car will head to Creative Edge for lettering.
For any trailer work, DOT safeties on trailers, cars, or trucks, having a new trailer built, or race cars up grades including set up, call Ron at Oakville Trailers…..905-469-8939…..thanks for visiting our site………….Note in the back ground is Rick Schurr’s OSCAAR Mod being wrapped by Chuck Barton. Derek Jackson is there as well.
PPG Returns For 2016
Grind Stone Back For 2016
I am very fortunate to have so many good associate sponsors for our race team. Grind Stone joined us in 2008, our 40th year racing, and has been a great sponsor with us. If you wonder why I have 2 landscaping sponsors it’s because the owners of both Timber Green and Grind Stone are father and son.
Jay will drive my Late Model this year at Flamboro Speedway on the days I am in my Modified. He is looking forward to filling in for me.
They do not have a web site yet, although their logo is on our site. Once it comes up I will put a link to it.
Timber Green Returns For 2016
My good friend and brother in Christ, Henry Linde has agreed to sponsor us again in 2016. Timber Green started with us in 2008 and this will be their 9th season sponsoring our team.
We are very thankful for the support from Timber Green, and though they do not have a web site, their logo is posted on our site. They are awesome producers of excellent landscaping, patio’s and other home improvements. You can call them at 905-689-8917
Thanks for supporting our sponsors when ever possible.
JDS Insurance Back With GEM In 2016
I am proud to announce that JDS Insurance will be with us again in 2016. It will be their 13th season with us and we are very proud to run their logo again in 2016.
Click on their logo on the right side of this page to see the many type of insurnance they offer their customers. Tell them Gary sent you and thank you.
Lincoln Welders Back For 15th Season
Gary Elliott Motorsport is proud to announce that Lincoln Welders is back with us for 2016. This will be our 15th season sponsored by this amazing company. We are proud to run the Lincoln Welders logo on both our race cars, and especially making them our primary sponsor on our OSCAAR Modified.
Lincoln Welders has offered a discount for all racers. Message me to know what the discount is, or if you need a contact with Lincoln to buy their welding products.