I am excited, and couldn’t be prouder of my son and his accomplishmets since he started racing.
It began in 1988, when I got him started in stock car racing. He had no previous experience in Go-Karts or Mini Stock, jumped right into open wheel high powered in line Hobby cars.
I always wanted to race with David, and got that honor for 16 years with the CVM. During that time we won a combined 6 Championships, David getting 4 of them in 1996, 2000, 2001 and 2002. I won 1989 and 1999.
He moved up to Late Models in 2004 and I followed in 2005. A great night for both of us was October 9th 2004 at Flamboro Speedway when David won his first career Late Model feature, and I won the Hobby feature the next race out. I
We ran together again for a few years in Late Model, off on and on until 2011. David Picked up 2 more Championships in that time, the Weekend Warrior Series in 2005 and the Late Model Championship at Flamboro. In 2014 David won the Flamboro Championship (2nd half) and then won it this year again, giving him at least 8 Titles, 4 in the CVM and 4 in Late Model. He may have more to add to that, ing some mini series titles that I am not aware of.
All I can say is that I am very proud of my son and all his accomplishments. Congratulations to David and his team for winning this years Flamboro Speedway Late Model title.
Autumn Colors!!!……..We Had It and Lost It…..Not Sure How
We had such a great car on Friday night, even Saturday during practice. Two new tires on Saturay night for the second heat wasn’t as good as we expected, but not bad. We had all day Sunday to make sure our car was ready to grab a podium finish for this final OSCAAR tour race. The only change we made was adding new tires from Friday night, and that should have made us even better…..but we lost it somehow.
We knew what the stagger had to be and it was set before I went out. But by lap 2 the car just wouldn’t turn and we fell from 2nd in the feature to 12th and from 3rd in the points to 4th.
I want to thank Lloyd and Billi for being there for the weekend and helping get our car ready to battle. Also, Tommy and Jacob Robb, along with Adam, Jason and Steve, I really appreciate your efforts as well, being a definitive part of our crew for the weekend. Just awesome. I appreciate Tommy Robb and his boys for offering to help us and feel bad for them that we didn’t have the run we all knew we should have, but it wasn’t meant to be, and so we will prepare for the next show on October 24th at Flamboro Speedway.
The full story of our Autumn Colors weekend will be finished on Diary of a Season 2015 by the end of this week.
Thanks for visiting our site.
Great Run On Friday Night In the Modified….Looking For Another Strong Run This Weekend In Our OSCAAR Mod At The 23rd Annual Autumn Colors Classic
We ran our Modified with the OMRS Modifieds at Flamboro Speedway on Friday October 2nd. The weather was terrible, cold and windy. There were lots of cars and people in the pits, but only a few fans decided to face the weather and watch the qualifying for this years Frostoberfest, a new name combining Octoberfest with Frostfest.
Our car was very fast and handled like a dream. We finished a close second behind Nick Lees #09.
Due to a long red from a Mini Stock going through the back chute wall, and the wind taking out the hyfro, the completion of this show will be on October 24th. Hooping for a nice night for the track promoters John and Frank Casale.
Thanks to Ashley McCubbin for taking and supplying this photo.
It’s Here, Our 1200th Night…….Cold, Windy, Wild, But We Had A Great Car…… Visit Our Message Board To See The Full Report On “Diary of a Season 2015”
1200th Night in the books….well almost. If we hadn’t qualifyied I wouldn’t have to count this night, but it was official once we ran the heat races. Unfortunately the feature was postponed until October 24th and on that night there will be double features in the Modified.
We ran awesome in our heat race, finishing 2nd behind Nick Lees. Nick is 2nd in OMRS point standings. It was a fun race for me and my team. Thanks to Eric Uprichard for making this great 1200th race night flyer. Also special thanks to Daryl and Corey Horner for being my crew again on this special night. Lloyd could not attend due to a family wedding, but will be at Autumn Colors, as will Billi. Just wondering if Corey and Daryl would consider pitting with us at AC lol.
Modified Goes To Willow Creek Baptist Church
1200th Career Night…Flamboro Speedway October 2nd
Tonight we will reach the milestone of 1200 career nights at Flamboro Speedway. We will be racing our Quaker State Modified with the OMRS Modifieds. This 47 year journey has been awesome and it could never happen if it were not for my amazing family, my awesome pit crews and friends over the years, my faithful and dedicated sponsors. Thank you Lord for giving me good heatlth and sending me so many great people to make this possible.
Thanks to Eric Uprichard for creating “Countdown to Crazy”.
750th Consecutive Night, & Our 1199th Career Night. Tough One For Us But We Worked Hard Did Our Best
Veocity bit us. It was our worst night in the Mods points wise since June of 2014. The car was awesome in the final hot laps. Corey Horner and I were tied for 2nd in the points. He had a great night and we had our worst in some time. Even though our car was fast, we could not avoid being spun out twice, once in the first heat that resulted in much of our front end getting beat up, and we got spun again in the feature after moving from 20th to 10th, we were trying to pass 10th at the time. We finished 12th in the feature, now we’re 19 points out of 2nd, I know anything can happen, but that is a huge gap to close and our concern now is finishing in the top 3, and that lead is slim over 4th. It was still a good night for us, we have one more OSCAAR points race left at Autumn Colors on Thanksgiving weekend. Not giving up on our chase for 2nd, just going to race as hard and clean as we can.
We had this celebration after the races. Just want to say thank to Lloyd and Suzette for making this cake for me to celebrate our 750th night in a row, and our 1199th career night of racing.
From left to right are Corey, Billi, me, Lloyd and Daryl. The Horner boys, the team we were tied with prior to Saturday night, are awesome friends, and they we be our only crew at Octoberfest where we will reach our 1200th night. None of our team can make this race, as has been all season, but I am thankful when they could make it out. Lloyd has been awesome but he has a family event to attend but will be at Peterborough for the Autumn Colors Classic.
Thanks to Debbie-Jo Zardo for these photos.
The Velocity 250, This Weekend, Saturday & Sunday 26th – 27th At Sunset Speedway…We’ll Hit 250 Consecutive & Our 1199th Career Night
Velocity 250 this weekend. Tied for second in OSCAAR Modified points with the awesome rookie team of #79 Corey and Daryl Horner.
This will be our 750th consecutive night of racing dating back to June 5th 1987. Last year we celebrated our 700th in a row at Sunset Speedway on June 29th.
It will also be our 1199th career night of stock car racing. It all started in 1969 in a Mini Stock….love it all. the people, the thrill, the adrenalin and we get excited if we are in the top 5, top 3 you’d think we won, if we win?…..we all faint!!!
First Feature Win In Late Model Since 2008
I had to post this picture by Terry Robarts of our feature win at Full Throttle Motor Speedway on Sunday September 13th. We got the lead with 4 laps to go and on the while flag lap Paul Milligan and I tangled and the result was a flat tire on the left rear. The tire did not go flat until after the race was over……now that is a sign of alot of grace to our team….thank you Lord.
1198 Career & 749 Consecutive Nights In The Books
Mycomputer was down, I had no way to post on our website but thanks to Eric Uprichard, it did get posted on facebook.
We ran our 1198th career night at Delaware Speedway on Friday night. This flyer created by Eric Uprichard says 3 to go, but that was before this race. Just to clairfy.
It was a decent run. We finished 4th in the heat and held on to claim 5th in the feature. The top 5 feature finish was our best for our team in my own car since my Hobby days. I did win the feature in 2013 driving an Outlaw Pro 4 Modified driving for Dave Hodgkinson. I am thankful we took a top 5 on this special night, #1198 and our 749th in a row. Thanks to Lloyd and Billi for helping in the pits and making the night a fun and succesful run. We are 3rd now in OSCAAR Modified standings, one point out of the second place team #79 Corey Horner.