We are proud to announce that Lincoln Welders is back with us for the 2017 race season and committed to 2018 as well. Special thanks to Lincoln for supplying us with the welder we are using to rebuild both our cars for the coming season.
Here Buttons displays our new Lincoln welder.
Thank you so much to all our sponsors, we appreciate your support for us and look forward to being an ambassador for your awesome products and services.
Thank you for visiting our site.
Body Complete….Now To Finish The Chassis Updates
We finished the body and have it sitting ready to go to Josh Watson for paint. We got a lot done on the weekend.
Now to install new calipers, finishing welding the front bumper, then make a new rear bumper, as well as some other minor repairs to shock and spring mounts on the right rear.
The engine will be ready to go back in by the 2nd week of February. Once the drive line is in place we will install the body. I am hoping we get that done by 3rd week of February. Then the car will go to Creative Edge for lettering. Lots to do and time isn’t on our side, but we have got a good start.
We have our application for Motorama Car Show in March.
Special thanks to Louie and Stephen for the work this weekend.
Lloyd and I are heading to Brockville with the Modified for a show with Quaker State. I will post about that later this week.
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Quaker State Back For 2017 & 2018 Our 44th & 45th Seasons Together
I am proud, honored and excited to announce that Quaker State will be back with Gary Elliott Motorsports for the 2017 and 2018 season.
This awesome driver sponsor partnership is the longest in racing history.
Thank you to Quaker State for your tremendous amazing support.
I look forward to being a great ambassador for Quaker State, and all my sponsors during our 49th race season, our 44th with Quaker State.
Thanks for visiting our site.
Happy New Year…May God Bless You In All Ways
Wishing all my racing family and friends a blessed, healthy and safe 2017. Make this a year of loving others as you love yourself. Mend fences, encourage those who are struggling, and if ever someone comes on your heart, call them right away, for no reason other than to see how they are and tell them you were thinkig of them……PS….make sure you care for you to…….Jesus loves you
Body Is Finished….Chassis, Breaks, Driveline Next
Special thanks to Louie and Randall for coming over on the 28th of December to finish the body. We will be sending the body to Josh Watson for paint in a few weeks.
We will remove the body next, and then the driveline. Way ahead of last year now and very happy. My crew have been incredible, God is good for sending me these encouraging friends. We will have a great team this year with Louie, Lloyd, Randall, Stephen, Paul and Doug…..more to come soon.
Thanks for visiting
Merry Christmas Everyone
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season
It’s that awesome time of year again when bright lights and beautiful colors line the houses and streets. My team mates and I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2017.
Jesus is the reason for this season, He is the reason we celebrate. We give presents, gifts, and that’s okay because God gave us the greatest gift of all, His Son Jesus, who came to set us free from the power of death. Jesus gift to us is eternal life, and has made a home for us.
May the spirit of the One who came into this world to change lives and bring peace, joy and love, encompass you and your family this Christmas season.
………….we will be back on the race car between Christmas and New Years to bring up dates…..thank you for visiting our site.
Making Progress On Our 2017 Race Program
This past Sunday we tackled more of the body fabrication. Both Louie and Randall are new at this, but they are doing fantastic. Louie works at Toyota on the assembly line for repairs giving him a good sense for any type of repair.
Once the body is done, and the front bumper finished we will strip the body off the car and start on the chassis.
We have a lot to do before Josh Watson will paint it but we are getting there.
The hood in this picture is our 2008 40th Anniversary hood, used to get our fenders lined up close.
More to report soon.
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2017 Rebuild Started
Louie, Randall and I started working on the Late Model today. We finally got a few parts to start first with the body, then once it’s done we will take it all off, have it painted by Josh Watson and work on the chassis, brakes, suspension bars and try to make it faster than this past year.
I will post pictures as we make progress. We intend to work up until mid December for sure.
At some point during the winter both Lloyd and Stephen will get out to help as well. Meanwhile getting sponsors on side and getting the car redone is priority to make the car show in March and that’s our plan for season #49, more pictures to follow soon…..thanks for visiting our site.
Final Race of 2016…..Grisdale Triple Crown….9th…Racing With My Good Friend #11 Dave Osborne
We ran our final race on October 29th at Flamboro Speedway, the Grisdale Triple Crown. The format was three 50 lap feature. The competition was intense and we were definitely outgunned, but we got a 9th place finish of the 20 cars that were in the race.
The full story is on Diary of a Season 2016.
We have already started the rebuild, namely our trailer being first up, replacing the damaged roof vents and wore out winch. There are a few more things to replace and then we start on the Late Model, the car that will need the biggest improvement. The Mod does as well, but our focus on power and handling will be on the Late Model.
Thanks to Ashley McCubbin.
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