Thanks to the hard work of one of my crew members, and crew chief, Marty Hagen, our car is ready to be lettered. The Modified is getting lettered now and will be done soon. I will be posting my 2015 agressive schedule very soon, so watch for it and other interesting things happening for the coming year.
Late Model Painted
Ron Easton, owner of Oakville Trailers, painted our car this weekend. I am happy with how it turned out. Now we will get the rest of the mechanical done and send it out for lettering to Creative Edge.
The windows need to go in, but before that, we will clean the car inside first, and buff both front and rear windows.
Late Model Slowly Coming Together
Our Late Model has been undergoing some minor repairs, nothing very serious in 2014 that meant we needed a major over haul. We could use an updated car, perhaps one of the newer Late Models, but that isn’t in the budget so we will make the Late Model I’ve had since I started, get the job done in 2015.
Ron Easton, o/o of Oakville Trailers is dong the body work and will have the car painted by mid April, then it comes home for pre practice prep.
The only parts we will need are shocks and springs, and valve springs for the engine.
Once the pre practice work is done, we will send the car to Steve Lyons of Creative Edge for lettering. The Modified will go first.
Though a little later than normal for having my cars race ready, we are still in good shape to be ready for practice day.
I will be posting our 2015 schedule soon and it’s going to be a busy season.
We are at 721 consecutive nights, and my goal is 800 in a row before I retire, so putting a bunch in this year wil let me reduce the number of races over the next 3 years. I do understand that I can’t do this without help, and without the grace of God to give me good health, a good crew and the continued support from my sponsors. I have been blessed and I am truly thankful for all I have been given. I love this sport, and all the people in it.
Welcome To Gary Elliott MotorSports
2025 Stats
Coming soon
2015 Season Under Way
NOTE: Many of our fans and friends have been having difficulty getting on our site, me to. The problem was the hosting company of the server. I noticed back in November they were not contacting me when they took money from my account. Then my stie went down for a long period for no reason on my part. I called Mike Larkin, of Canadian Computech….a wizard….and asked him to look into it for me. He didn’t know why I was having trouble, but he suggested it could be with the hosting company Dark Scape. Mikey suggested I switch to Go Daddy once we get things settled with Dark Scape.
I tried contacting Dark Scape again with no reply. Finally my site went down altogether in December. Mikey then started looking into transferring my site to Go Daddy, but ran into red tape with proper forms needing to be filled etc.
In mid February I was sent forms to fill out, the questions included the name of the owner of the site etc. I filled out everything they asked and emaild it back. To my shock, I got a reply back from this board, saying that I did not own my web site, it was owned by Dark Scape and only they could release it. I explained that I could not get in touch with them, and then I was told there was nothing they could do. I asked about my site, and the lady said it belonged to them not me. I told her I had been posting on it for 7 years and had tons of my history, but that it was shut down. She said there was nothing anyone could do, “your site is lost sir”. WHAT!!!! Anyway I was a mess for a few days. I called Mikey back and told him what she said, I was very discouraged. He said “no problem I will check into it”. I said “but my site is gone, there is no way to get it”. Then the most awesome news I could here. “Oh Gary, I saved your entire site when I checked into it a month ago, not to worry”. Wow, what a blessing, thank you Mikey.
So now we are up again, under Go Daddy and I will be updating this site frequently as before. It is now but if you use the previous name it will work as well.
Here is our first update with the new look web page 🙂
This has been a difficult off season, but we are making progress slowly. Our Modified had a few repairs done to it, nothing major, except maybe the lead tray on the left front, but other than that it was new bumpers, nose and sides.
We will doing all the maintenance to our Mod soon, changing of all fluids, and thorugh nut and bolt. Our shocks were sent to Jeff Walt for testing and rebuilding, and then we can prepare it for final scaling and set up.
Then it goes to Creative Edge for lettering and race car SPA treatment.
Special thanks to Marty Hagen for all his help so far. I will be posting more updates now that our revamped site is up and working.
I would like to thank Ron Easton of Oakville Trailers for his awesomes support in 2015 again. He has done all the work on the Mod and is currently working on the Late Model as well.
2014 OSCAAR Banquet
2014 A Very Good Year
Thankful & Remembering
Sunset Banquet November 8th
Night To Celebrate.
Sunset Speedway Banquet Tonight……….In her Rookie season, with a well used hand me down Mini Stock, Lauren did an awesome job driving the car beyond it’s potential. There wasn’t a night all season that she didn’t drive the car as if it was a potential feature winner. Her consistent, aggressive, clean, hard charging driving style caught the eyes of many Sunset staff and fans. Lauren finished 11th in the point standings, with 3 heat wins and many top 10 feature finishes. Her car was no match for many of the competitors she faced week after week, but that did not stop her from giving 1000% every race…..Lauren had a great attitude in spite of her car not being a contender, because she was, taking the Honda through the pack with 3 wide and side by side hard driving every time she was in the car. We really appreciate her excellent effort and can only say that she caught the eyes of many fans and competitors but also her Grand Dad who was very proud and amazed at her efforts. Laruen deserves to be in a competitive car and our hopes are to get that done in the next few years…….Gehrig also drove the Honda, but only on a few occasions and he knew the car wasn’t as good as it was when he raced it, a little more wore, a little more tired, but he still drove his heart out, again, in spite of being so out gunned by many of the high end Mini Stock teams……..Tonight is the banquet for the Sunset classes. I chose this year to run the OSCAAR Mod full time and missed many nights. I did miss racing at the very fast and competitive oval and will look forward to competing there again in 2015 in the Modified…….we are slowly getting sponsors on board for 2015 and have a few proposals out to be considered by potential new sponsors. I will up date our sponsor partners by the end of November……..meanwhile I would like to thank Timber Green Landscaping for being our first official sponsor to return for 2015. This will be there 8th season with us.